Soosh MYO's Comments

can i ask specifically what youre looking for? :0c!


Hey sorry, had to make an account on the sushidog website bc I totally forgot about my MYO slots. Pretty much just its worth (35 USD) or trade


I didn't see anyone, sorry!

thats okay! if theyre still ufs, may i purchase next tuesday? (a week from tomorrow)


Yeah of course, just message me next tuesday! 

Anyone that isn't a sona?


Are sonas anyone in the "forever homed" folder or just the "fursonas" folder? (sry I just wanna make sure I'm understanding)

In fursona folder. You can look around forever homes but I'm a bit tent on some especially ones with links


Okay thank you for the clarification! Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone I would use, thank you for offering, though!

Okay, hope this MYO gets a good home

hiya there! If they're UFO, would anyone in my th or my alt GhostKing interest? the only off-limits are the ones in my main tagged forever homed!


I didn't see anyone, sorry!

no worries!