


3 years, 8 months ago


A Researcher to the Colony Avillous

Lune Background and Ideas Here:

7 1/2 or so feet tall, although they say they're 8 because they're stubborn

His/Her species (probably) lives on a dangerous planet, and they are mostly foragers. Their large ears and antennae alert them to predators, and their long peg legs let them run fast. They have wings on their hips for balance, and a not-so-fur fur coating on their legs, head, and parts of their tail. Their main food source is mushrooms. Because of the variety of shrooms they eat, they developed a knife like appendage on the end of their tails, often with one or more "knife points". On about their ankle there are venomous spurs so they can kick the hell out of predators and knock them out.

When Lune (Female pronouns for ease of lack of gender) discovered the research position on a planet called Xiunus, she was excited to find a continent similar to her own planet. Not only could she work, but she could feel as if she was home. She was the lead scientist/biologist on her home planet, however Lune and her kind needed to escape the hectic world due to their predators beginning to evolve. She calculated that they would be considered intelligent at a higher rate than her kind could afford, especially with damage the beasts could do at their current form.

They lived in a space station for years before hearing of the strange job request. They were in touch with many intelligent species once they fled their planet, and many citizens shuffled off to live on thousands of other planets and sanctuaries. Her kind were sparse, spread throughout the galaxy.