11 of Spades ($8)


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Received From

Pizaru-Chu (DeviantArt)

Acquired For

$8 USD


"Here's one found around The Arcane Volcanoes: the Eleven of Spades card. The water mountains are full of geysers that fire off constantly. It's actually a pretty relaxing place to be during the summer. But then again, when you get high enough, the water starts to freeze solid, including the guysers! All that does is plug up the geyser so that the next time it blows its even bigger. I'm pretty sure that's how these mountains formed in the first place. This cardshark has taken advantage of all the ice by doing some ice skating. I figure if you can skate your way around active ice geysers, you can skate you way through everything.

This one belongs to :iconumbra-exe:. Speaking of summer, you don't have to worry about the it's ice skates melting or anything, since its magic ice and all; the cardshark can decide when to melt it's own ice or not. Sometimes it uses that to change the shape of it's ice tutu and boots, like some sort of mini fashion designer. This set its it's favorite I think. "