


7 years, 4 months ago


Fortune's Favourite
Nickname Dolly

Age Ageless

Gender Male

Orientation Asexual

Role Luck Bringer

Homeland Uknown

Status Observing

Designer Jollymutt

Worth $70+


For as long as anyone can remember, lucky charms have graced settlements and have been passed down through generations to encourage good fortune upon those they look over. Accompanying those charms have been tales of a magical beast who brings fame and riches to whomever it chooses, drawn by the luck given by such charms. Though the story is passed off as myth, unknown to the humans who he lingers so often near, Dolce is very real, remaining undetectable to a human’s eye.

Unknown to mortals however, it is not charms that offer good fortune – it is Dolce himself, who embodies the very concept of luck as a whole. His presence is enough to bring with it increased luck and prosperity to anyone he stays near. Although undetectable by humans and mortals, he favours their company and enjoys the safety of being invisible to them. His intuition allows him to seek out those who are less fortunate in nature and enable his powers to benefit those pure in heart. If possible, Dolce tends to avoid lurking near settlements where selfishness and greed is abundant, however it is in his nature to never permanently settle, and is often drawn to places of wealth and prosperity, thus allowing his magic to never truly be confined to one place or person.

"Give fools their gold, and knaves their power..."

Having a bloodline of hugely mixed descent, Dolce’s history is somewhat of an enigma. Much like one cannot trace back the beginnings of the concept of luck, one would have similar difficulties in finding out where Dolce came from. Due to his never aging mind and body, even he does not recall where he came from – one day, he just was.

Always drawn to gold, wealth, and treasures, Dolce influenced the wrong kind of people in his earliest days. Though unknown to him at the time, the dispersal of wealth and power throughout human settlements was, as always, making life for the majority a suffrage rather than a gift. His favours towards those already lucky caused mortals to coin the term “bad luck” – something of which Dolce believes to not exist – luck is luck, surely? Once aware of the greed humans so often exhibit, Dolce turned his nose up from Kings and Queens who were already lavished and chose to become a wandering entity, sharing his powers to all who may be in need of good fortune. Though he cannot change the world, he enjoys being able to make small differences in mortals lives and seeing the effect he has on those who need it.


Abilities & Skills

  • Luck Altering Prescence: Prescence benefits the luck of those cohabitated with, either mortal or magical.
  • Mortal Concealment: Undedictable by all non-magic entities, appearing invisible to a mortal eye.
  • Natural Intuition: Has the innate capacity to detect the good or bad in individuals.
  • Enchanted: Capable of seeing and communicating with other magical entities.

  • Jewels, gold, and talismans
  • Watching mortals
  • Glittering things
  • His own company
  • Napping

  • Greed and selfishness
  • Being sleepy, staying up late
  • Being sighted or scorned
  • Bad luck superstitions
  • Strong perfumes
"...let fortune's bubbles rise and fall."

Dolce is exceedingly well-presented, exhibiting mannerisms of politeness and grace. He has a gentle heart and a deep curiosity for the mortal world, often choosing to sit upon a table or chair unseen and happily observe individuals for hours. Used to a solitary life, when met with another creature who can detect him, his first instinct is of fear, often choosing to flee rather than risk being captured to be used for someone else’s gain. If one were to find the rare chance to speak to him, he would appear shy, rather timid, and be difficult to form a true connection to due to his wandering nature.


  • Precious jewels and minerals attract him. Dolce is drawn to their prescence like a moth to a flame and give him a comfort nothing else can. This is due in part to his dragon descent, though he has developed an affinity for less valuable items such as talismans and charms, consequently becoming responsible for the creation of lucky symbols and amulets that are popular with mortals.
  • Though his magic is potent, it is strictly passive in operation and Dolce cannot cast spells at will.
  • Dolce is unable to fly, but is capable of floating or hovering magically in the air for a short period, usually to soften large falls or to help him scale obstacles.
  • His fur is sleek and shimmers in the sunlight like radiant gold. At night, if one can see him, his speckled markings shimmer like the stars.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis euismod mattis consequat. Maecenas tincidunt turpis in sem maximus sagittis. Proin at lorem id est facilisis bibendum. Sed tristique nec erat vel cursus. Praesent eget metus velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis euismod mattis consequat. Maecenas tincidunt turpis in sem maximus sagittis. Proin at lorem id est facilisis bibendum. Sed tristique nec erat vel cursus. Praesent eget metus velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis euismod mattis consequat. Maecenas tincidunt turpis in sem maximus sagittis. Proin at lorem id est facilisis bibendum. Sed tristique nec erat vel cursus. Praesent eget metus velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis euismod mattis consequat. Maecenas tincidunt turpis in sem maximus sagittis. Proin at lorem id est facilisis bibendum. Sed tristique nec erat vel cursus. Praesent eget metus velit.