Oko świata



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Oko świata

The eye of the world is a little god that people worship and bring sacrifices that are made in the full moon, leaving them at the edge of the forest or, more courageously, under its cave, but usually never returning. This creature has two souls. One of them is pure, flawless and just, while the other soul is thirsty for blood and shows no mercy. The body is guided by an absolute soul, the soul of good is usually released only for a moment, when the Eye of the world opens its third blind. However, there were anomalies as the good soul received power over the body closing the evil one in the eye. When opening the third blind creature, apart from freeing the soul, he can use it, usually ordering it to show any place on earth. with its help, he hypnotizes his victims to come into his cavity, when the victim is already in place. The eye of the world impels and devours it with a quick movement of its tail. The eye of the world gives judgment to people by opening the third blind, it indicates whether a person is clean if not, a dirty big one devours him Or worse, drags the victim to his cave where he plays and tortures until the victim dies. 🍂