
3 years, 9 months ago



Cameron is a well-mannered and educated Cubear with a lisp to his voice. Due to his pastel aesthetics and more feminine physical traits, he'll often get mistake as a girl when out in public, but he actually identifies as a boy and heavily prefers he/him pronouns.

He's not exactly the most outgoing individual out there. Though he's not entirely reserved and a social hermit either, he's not all that eloquent either. He gets super self-conscious of himself at times, especially whenever he has to speak. He also has a sense of adventure to him and likes exploring new places or even revisiting old ones, especially if he has his husband Hex for company.

  • soft
  • dorky
  • shy
  • sweet
  • slushies
  • city lights
  • quietness
  • sunsets

Cameron once considered his existence to be nothing but a mistake.

When he was adopted, his owner was revealed to be a bratty and spoiled girl who was disappointed in the fact that Cameron would rather present himself as a boy than a girl. She wanted a cutesy pastel Cubear companion with lots of feminine tones and he didn't fit that image one hundred percent, especially with his dorky male voice. He tried to, hence why he took up the femboy fashion style that he has right now, but was just never enough for her.

One day, his owner decided to abandon Cameron at the mall and he stayed there for about ten days, hoping that she'd come back for him eventually. When she never did, however, that was when Cameron decided... his existence didn't amount to anything. There was no worth and value to him.

With these depressive thoughts in mind, Cameron tried to end his life and take a dive off a cliffside, only to accidentally crash into a tree and land on top of another Cubear by the name of Hex.

  • He likes going to the mall, even if that was the place where he was abandoned in the first place by his former owner. Regardless, he still likes window shopping and frequenting the food court for a slushie.
  • While he acknowledges that stealing is bad, he learned from Hex that sometimes it has to be necessary. So in actuality, Cameron doesn't exactly have the cleanest moral compass out there.
  • He likes warm cuddles with his husband at the treehouse that they live in, especially during the wintertime.
  • Cameron still enjoys reading books, even to this day. He has a shelf with a collection full of fictional novels, all of which he's managed to gain over a decade's worth of time, ever since he first moved in with Hex.


Hex is his husband. Cameron first met him in a rather unique way: he fell from a cliffside while attempting to take his life shortly after his owner had abandoned him. Hex thought he was an angel that fell from the sky and was mesmerized by his cute looks at first sight, all while under the false belief that Cameron was a girl. Eventually, Hex had to realize that Cameron was not a girl the hard way, when he fell for some misunderstandings and believed that they were close enough for him to propose to. Hex thought they were Already dating after attempting to woo Cameron with some dead birds and late night hangouts in the city. He even built them a treehouse home to live in together before deciding to pop up the question of a marriage proposal with a Ring Pop on a hill with a hazy sunset in the backdrop. Cameron, who hadn’t realized that Hex was even into him in a romantic way up until that point, had to clarify the situation and explain that he was a boy and that he thought they were simply becoming closer as friends and roommates somehow. That still didn’t really change Hex’s opinion on him though, so he was still free to like-like him. In return, Cameron couldn’t help but feel relieved that Hex didn’t mind his surprise gender reveal and would even go on to return the feelings back one day. After all, Hex was cute and sweet, in his own little unique ways. Cameron couldn’t help but grow to adore all of the eccentric aspects that came with his gremlin personality. Eventually, they’d go on to be intimate for real after some time. Currently, they’ve spent at least a little over a decade together as a couple by now and are still going strong.

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