


3 years, 9 months ago



Normally, pegasi are known for their high exciteablity, athleticism, and energy. Compared to this stereotype, Gemini is an absolute stick in the mud. Due to his family lineage being tainted with normal horse blood, he was born without wings. While his peers are out soaring around the sky, Gemini keeps himself inside with only his bitter emotions.

  • quiet
  • intelligent
  • irritable
  • bitter
  • reading books
  • spending quiet time alone
  • studying the night sky
  • crystals and candles

The mating between a land horse and a pegasus are forbidden in pegasi culture due to the belief that the pegasi are a supirior, gifted species. Half-blood foals are considered impure and are placed lower on the social ladder. This makes socially unacceptable couples hide their shame, and many foals are never discovered to be impure. The trouble only arrises once the bloodline has become so thinned out that one unlucky foal is born without wings, stuck forever in the cloads above. This is Gemini's story--he is just one unfortunate case of hidden family drama. Even his mother and father had no idea of their tainted genes. His birth sparked the downfall of his family's social ranking, and they were placed lower on the totem poll due to his lack of wings.

As any young foal would, Gemini grew up blaming himself for his family's misfortune. He grew bitter due to picking and teasing, never truly making any friends. As he matured, he found joy in more secluded hobbies and tasks. Although he envies the pegasi able to fly around the sky and explore the world below, he keeps himself busy with astronomy and other scientific research. He struggles with depression often, finding himself to be lonely after a long day of seclusion.

  • Although Gemini is introverted, he does not mind the company of one other horse.
  • His home is filled to the brim with his research notes and pictures.
  • Gemini is a lock in, almost never leaving his abode. When he does leave, it is during the evening to study the sky.
  • All Gemini wants is to be able to leave the sky kingdom and often feels stuck, which in turn is responsible for his depression.
  • Gemini is not religious, but sometimes dabbles in spirituality.


Best Friend
Gemini finds himself drawn to the other stallion, sharing a love for the stars.


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