


7 years, 3 months ago




Name Glass (human given)
Nickname N/A
Species Harpy
Age 19
Gender Male
Height 5'8 ft
Occupation Laboratory Test Subject


  • Works Talons Like Hands
  • Flight
  • Above Average Intelligence for Harpy


  • Intelligence․․★★☆☆
  • Strength․․․․․․★★★☆
  • Compassion․★★☆☆

Glass is a harpy that was bred and born into captivity for the sole sake of research and better understanding of the avian species. He grew up with a married pair of scientists, his handlers, and they acted not only as caregivers and observers, but also parents to him. For the most part, Glass has had a very comfortable life and knowing no other, enjoys his time with his psuedo parents. He loves to interact with humans, the best he can, and run their little tests for them.


For a harpy, Glass is quite mellow. He's rather quiet and calm, always eager to listen before trying something or giving his own input. At the same time, his genes do shine through and Glass can be just as over dramatic and ridiculous as the rest of his species. This is something mostly seen when he doesn't get his way with something or when something scares him. His handlers learned quickly to keep certain things away from the harpy, least they get a face full of sharp talons.

Additional Notes

Character Notes

  • For years, his handlers thought that Glass was a female harpy. This only changed once he finally molted all of his baby feathers and started to display behavior abnormally aggressive for the average, female harpy. Particularly being hyper dominant around other harpies. The pair gave the avian another physical, and low and behold, their pretty lady was actually not so much a lady at all.
  • Despite coming off as childish and a bit inept, Glass is actually quite intelligent in terms of harpies. He can use human language with a fair amount of fluidity and expresses more empathy towards other living things than most do. Whether this is because of his upbringing with humans or because he's simply different from other harpies is something his handlers are still trying to root out.

Design Notes

  • Glass has no hands of any sort, only his wings. As such, he's become quite talented at using his talons. He can carry various things, tie knots, cook, and even hold a pencil to write and draw with his feet. On the same note, he loves to draw, and his handlers have kept all of his drawings since he was a chick as a way to see how he has progressed over the years. The harpy has actually become pretty decent at drawing and painting.

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