Chad's Comments

I would love to have this adorable boyo! I can guarantee he would have a loving home that gave him lots of lore. (I would also include him in a ton of animations just because that's all I do when listening to music) Don't judge me immediatley based off of my profile on here. I'm not great at keeping up with Toyhouse. I promise he'd be used irl and probably updated a ton on here so you can check up on him whenever you like! (I love your pfp by the way. That dog is just rocking)

Name - Carmello (love the name, would definitely keep it)

Gender - Male

Age - 22 in canine years

Sexuality- Bisexual

Species - Dog/wolf

Personality/some backstory - Carmello is a very sweet, loveable boy. He resides in the Clear Waters pack as a sort of refugee after he was abandoned by his father for being a mixbreed and his mother was killed by rogue wolves. They did not see Carmello, as his mother had shoved him into a small rocky crevice, sensing something was wrong. The space was not out of view of the gruesome death of his mother, though. The trauma still haunts him to this day.

He was very young at the time and was old enough to eat meat, but not old enough to catch it for himself. He would catch the occasional bug or maybe a mouse, but by the time he stumbled into the Clear Waters territory he was too skinny and weak to do anything but collapse. He had fainted right over the pack border, hidden in a bush just in case any rogue was foolish enough to cross into pack territory.

A patrol found Carmello and seeing such a malnourished and what they assumed to be neglected pup, they brought him back to camp and gave him to one of the nursing mothers at that time. She took him in and fed him until he was back to full health, this was when the pack needed to decide what to do with him. Looking at Carmello it was obvious he was a mix-breed. His mother had been able to hide it well, as she was a sort of wolf-looking dog, but Carmello had obviously gotten more of the dog in her than the wolf in his father. Apollo (the alpha of Clear Waters) has a soft side for misfits, as he was shunned by the pack when he came out as gay and began dating a wolf who was from a rival pack that had killed the old alpha of Clear Waters (Apollo's father). Apollo trained Carmello himself and made him a high-ranking officer when Clear Waters eventually goes to war with a united group of rogues attacking the pack.

Strengths  - Carmello is a very laid-back dog. He's very sweet to everyone he meets (unless they are a rogue of course) and is an exceptional judge of character. He can immediately tell if anyone means him or his friends harm and will protect them in his own little ways

Flaws - He shuts down and becomes very violent and almost sadistical at the mention of his mixbreed being a reason for him to be ashamed or shunned. He has a strong distaste for bugs and fish because they remind him of when he was a weak, untrained pup

Favorite things -

Number: 22

Season: Fall

Food: Elk

Time of Day: Sunset/Night-time

Place in Pack Territory: Under a large willow tree by the stream that cuts through the Clear Waters pack territory

Family - Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), 3 siblings (stillborn)

Love Interest - There isn't one yet, but I can guarantee there will be one in the future

Thank you for doing this! I would be honored if you chose me to home Carmello. He's such a good boyo I just want to give him a nice little pat on the head

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ahh i adore this baybee!! <3

name; karmello, haichi, kenje? i'll call him kenje for now!

gender; male

partner; his lifelong partner would be my lad Startryx lad here! i think they'd fit so well together oml 

personality; much more bold than his partner! him and star are both opposites and similars. he prefers a show of strength over words, much rather than star prefers a show of words than strength. the peace necklace kenje is wearing was actually startryxs. kenje has an alternative accessory, a leather spiked collar, as well a satchel he enjoys carrying around that bears all sorts of surprises and materials. acts rather tough, but he's really such a softie once you get to know him. he can hold grudges for a very long time. has to deal with his boyfriends' plant obsession. enjoys the simple things of life, including star gazing and cloud watching with Star.

accessories, clothing, etc; of course, his multicolored peace necklace from star. he has a few piercings, recently received via a professional piercer (as well as tattoos, but we don't talk about that), his leather spiked collar, and a hoodie the color of his eyes and hair. all of what i listed are potential extras for him, which would be implemented in future art pieces if i was to win him! ^^

use; i would most certainly use him as a main character in stories, art pieces, developing via roleplays, and more. he'd have a wonderful forever home with me, and would be spoiled with much love and care <33

small development

Kenje lifted his head, drowsy from the ride. ''Are we there yet?'' He muttered, interrupted by a large yawn. Startryx was driving, and he shook his head, softly laughing. ''Not yet. It's only been like, an hour Kenj!'' 

Kenje grunted, squinting out of his passenger side window. He had been holding very tightly onto Stars' hoodie while he'd been asleep, and relaxed his tense shoulders. Kenje swiveled his head slightly to gaze at Star as the two drove in silence. Star was taller than Kenje by a little bit. His frame was more lithe, compared to Kenjes' more muscular frame too. Star looked over at him, and Kenje looked away, smiling. Star shook his head, reaching for the radio and turning the knob. The radio erupted, sound blasting into the two's eardrums. ''What the hell Kenj!'' Star gasped, fumbling to turn it down. Kenje had been holding in his laugh, but it finally burst out. Star joined him, and the two laughed for a while longer. As the laughter died down, Kenje shuffled towards Star, and rested his head gently on Stars' shoulder. Star murmured something inaudible, and lowered his own head slightly to rest it on top of his lovers. This is where Kenje wanted to be, by the one he loved the most, by the one he cared for so deeply and so compassionately for.

other; good friends include Coconut, Prince Kani, Lars, and his brother, Niero-kenji.

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What I would do with him, is pair him with Phoenix, I am really just looking for things to draw! And for my friends to draw. We all love drawin!

ahh propably would use him as a comfort sona,, he would have a good relationship with Rick possibly helping him with his adventures. His name would possibly be changed to Keichi he would be working as a coffee shop owner. His coffee shop would be small and not really popular but he would still be really happy with it. He would enjoy hanging out with people but would be more of a listener. He would have a love-hate relationship with Fishbone as they would compete a lot, but when they werent competing they would be really friendly with eatchother. His home would be somewhere near a beach as he would enjoy water and swimming with fish. He would be fascinated with predatory ocean animals and deep sea creatures. Sometimes going out with Corp to feed sharks, though he would never get close with Corp as Corp is kind of a mystery to everyone. He would dislike loud sounds as they distrupt his peace and scare away fish. Overall he would just be really chill and nice unless youre mean to him on purpose he will snap.

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I love him so much 🥺🥺

His name would be Onyx because the gemstone absorbs negative energy and aids with emotions during times of stress. With this being said I would pair him to be Teddy’s partner. They would be amazing together a power couple! Something I could see them doing together would be dyeing and styling each others hair 🥺 I would draw them together and also separately since his design looks super fun to draw and develop their relationship over time!

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Beautiful baby! 

With me, he'd be in a forever home! His name will likely be something meaningful and strong, but also gentle, something matching his personality. I imagine him to be someone quiet and reserved, all due to bad past experiences, he wouldn't be one who likes large crowds, but loves to spread love and happiness, all in the name of peace which he truly believes in; Wishing the world will one day end all wars and for everyone to be happy! Someone strong, smart and selfless. I have many friends who have babies he could make bonds with. I would develop him as a main through roleplay, extra art and possible stories or future comics. It would be about his day to day life and the battles he faces!

Thanks for the chance! I hope he goes to a great home! ♡

I love this kiddo! He would make a great best friend to my kiddo Preston! I'll start with his Bio His name would still be Caramello, he is a very playful guy once you get to know him. He enjoys a nice day in the park and loves to read. He hated fighting and wants them to stop, he is a peacemaker. He is a chill soft dude. I would use him a lot. He seems pretty easy to draw. Like I said I love this kiddo!