


3 years, 9 months ago



The sky may be calm, but never is it tame.


Name: Linyeth
Color: Gold
Gender: Female
Fertility: Good


  • Pseudomelanistic
  • Minor digestive issues - high pelage diet, intolerant grain and grain-fed animals

Hatchdate: Day 4 of Month 8, Turn 1754
Hatch location: Telgar Weyr
Bonded to: Rainelle

Voice: Boop


Length: 51.80 m
Height: 33' 11" at the shoulder
Wingspan: 110.5 m wingtip to wingtip
Build: Powerful and solid, with almost serpentine elegance
Hex codes:

Base: #c0a051
  - or #ad8b3c (if heavy highlights)
Markings: #131109
Claws: #857f5c


Linyeth takes after her sire in size - which is to say, she is large. At full growth, Linyeth will likely be the largest gold on Pern, by at least a meter in length. In form, she is elegant and almost serpentine, with a smoothly muscular body, thick neck, and rudder-like tail. She is the ideal Northern gold, not lean but powerful, and well-suited to the extremes in temperature of the high north. Her broad wingspan gives her astonishing endurance, and while she will never be particularly agile, her ability to between at a full stoop will give her the ability to be reckless in the air.

In coloration, Linyeth is a dull gold - truly, were it not for the sheen of her hide, she would be considered a tawny brown. She is marked with black that shines gold in the light. These markings start on her muzzle and run down her sides, moving from striping and dotting into eyespots and blotching with broken bars beneath. Scattered freckles mark her wings, and vaguely hexagonal black splotches run down her spine. The spotting gets thicker until it colors her tail-tips black, with one tip showing the dark gold with broken black spotting.



The impression most people get from Linyeth is that of a steady, capable dragon. She practically radiates calm composure, with a gentle sort of interest in everyone and everything around her. In intense situations, she is unflappable, with a natural affinity for redirecting panic into action and a sixth sense for how to handle difficult situations. She is rarely overwhelmed by others' emotions, even her rider's, though her own can be another story. Of course, she has a tendency to assume that, given how reasonable she is sure she is, that she is always in the right and others should simply listen to her logic and fall in line...

That's not to say that Linyeth is completely staid. She has quite the streak of mischief, though it doesn't color her actions all the time. Linyeth will keep her snarky comments between her and her rider when the situation calls for aplomb, but in her down time, she's the sort to be holding a philosophical conversation, then out of the blue, shove her rider into a snowbank and bound off in peals of laughter. And get her into the sky... Linyeth takes an almost feral delight in flight, to the point where she can take dangerous risks for the thrill of it. And if there's a storm... well, you better believe that Linyeth will be trying her wings in the gale.


  • Fascinated by tattoos, henna, and skin-painting
  • Fastidious; eats neatly and likes being bathed and oiled frequently
  • Loves playing in the snow