


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Warrior Name





Gender: tom Sexuality: gay Rank: apprentice Age: 15 moons Apperance Kinkpaw is a very large, thickset tom. His fur is very dark fawn with a mackerel tabby pattern. It is wiry and semi-long. He has a triangular face with almond-shaped blue eyes. He has a matter-of-fact voice and a spicy scent. Kinkpaw has a scarred pelt. He is considered fearsome by most, especially in his own Clan. Personality Kinkpaw values friendship the most. He is very extroverted. In conversations, he is crass, witty and gallant. He is guided by his heart, often emotional and sensitive. His world view is mostly pessimistic. He is focused, humble, complex, eccentric, sadistic and greedy. Kinkpaw is wise, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He often silently stares at the moon and stars. Kinkpaw will always support whatever helps his Clan the most, even if it harms other Clans. He is far too young to think about having a family or mate. Backstory Kinkkit was born to his mother, Flintsplash and his father, Ferretdapple along with his brother, Heatherkit and his sister, Meadowkit. His relationship with his brother was great, he sneaked out of camp with Heatherkit. His relationship with his sister was alright, he listened to the elders' stories with Meadowkit. Flintsplash was lenient, while Ferretdapple was too controling. Kinkkit was close to both of his parents. Unfortunately, only half a moon after Kinkkit's birth, Ferretdapple slipped while crossing a stream and fell into the water, where he drowned. Growing up, Kinkkit felt like he relationship with him wasn't strong enough to be really upset. He became somewhat close with another kit in the nursery called Fawnkit, although they didn't become best friends Kinkkit liked talking to Ferretdapple more. During his kithood, Kinkkit enjoyed listening to stories from the elders and learning about Clan history. Kinkkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Kinkpaw. He recieved Breezestep as his mentor. She was harsh on him, but always had Kinkpaw's best interests in mind. Breezestep mostly focused on hunting while somewhat neglecting tracking. Kinkpaw and Fawn grew even closer during their apprenticeship, hanging out much more often then when they were kits. They should run away together.