


7 years, 3 months ago


Kadis has no close friends, just aquatinces, like the people he has versed in boxings rings, his old coach, some random guys at the gym. He rambles about fights, sports, and supernatural happenings. His diets and etc. He's an earnest guy, just doesn't like being seen as weak, small, and etc. Name: Kadis Age: 17-18 Height: 4'11 History: Kadis has always been made fun of for being short, though, he's a real fighter! He loves to box, it's his passion. When he was little the other kids picked on him and he beat them all to a pulp. Sent them to the hospital real quick. Leading to him being kicked out of schools a lot. Soon graduated some how from highschool, his grades weren't half bad. They kinda just wanted the guy out of high schools, so he gradiuated a little early. You can find him weight lifting , jogging down the streets, he really loves to eat apples, so if you see him. Bring one over will you? Though he doesn't like people being in his personal space, so it might be hard. He is really heistant to trust people, it might take him a long time to adapt to you. He rather be alone, punching the big guys down, one by one. He's was actually dead, due to being beaten up by a group of people, who were angry at him, for beating them up at boxing matches. God felt pity for the soul and let the angel be on earth again. But now he says "I'm stuck with this anoyying halo" He's grateful, just a bit weary of his surrondings.