Usogi Dolis



7 years, 3 months ago


Name: Usogi Dolis

Age: 20

Story: Usogi has always been rebellious. The kid who pulled your hair in elementry, the kid who took the last cookie from the cookie jar. That was him. He was always the kid to also try eating rocks or seeing what would happen if you stepped on an ant hill. He loves trying new things, and annoying people he likes, just a bit. Many idol agencies were fooled by his handsome apperance. Thinking he'd be a great idol. They were soon to regret it. UsogiĀ loves loves scandals. He can't help but not be faithful. He thinks everyone is beautiful, from the ugly to the beautiful. He can't seem to keep his hands off people. He loves parties, and gokuns. He doesn't take drugs much at all. The only drug he likes to take is taste bud changing drugs. It's the only way he'll eat a healthy meal he says. You can see him buying cute items at a shop, as he has a soft spot for them. He loves bunnies in particular, as part of his idol sona. You can often see him eating a carrot after a hard practice work out. He has a great smile and is missing one tooth because Coma got pissed off at him. You get the jest. The bright thing about him is he hates dissappointing his fans on stage. He's a great peformer, it's just his real personality is horriable. Because he is so "Everyone is my lover." He has some crazy fans, you could say he had fun with. He's almost been killed many times by the crazy ones. He's pretty good at hula hooping. Doesn't look like he practices his performance alot. But he practices more than anyone should. He loves his bunny ear phones and listens to many other idol bands. He often wears rainbow contacts, or any other nice ones he can find.

Used to be in a kpop group called "RUSH HOUR" Containted him and 4 other members