Raven Naphro



3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Light Gray

Skin Color:

Pearly white


Dec 9th (Sagittarius)


Adventurous, risk taker, emotional, dark, blunt, honest, crass, loyal, pessimistic

Short Bio:

Orphaned on the night of his 3rd birthday, Raven was taken into an orphanage in the slum sector of the Centra City. He grew up unaware of his parents and their origin, with nothing more than a shape-shifter bird named Shadow, who watches him as a companion and protector, as his only clue. On the summer after graduating middle school, he is adopted by the moody entrepreneur Nathaniel; A man unable to have any more children. From there Raven's life is turned upside down as his life goes from a humble beginning to a life of luxury and privilege. Chance meetings with new friends and unusual individuals opens up possible answers to his past and origins—Soon enough reality distorts itself with the discovery of alternate worlds, and fantastical races of creatures. He learns his mother is a siren, a special type of merren that shape shifts on land and sea. As well, as learning of the Black demons that waged war against them for their land.





Orphaned on the night of his 3rd birthday, Raven was taken into an orphanage in the slum sector of Centra City. He grew up unaware of his parents and their origin, with nothing more than a shape-shifter bird named Shadow, who watches him as a companion and protector, as his only clue.

On the summer after graduating middle school, he is adopted by the moody entrepreneur Nathaniel; A man unable to have any more children. From there Raven's life is turned upside down as his life goes from a humble beginning to a life of luxury and privilege.

Chance meetings with new friends and unusual individuals opens up possible answers to his past and origins—Soon enough reality distorts itself with the discovery of alternate worlds, and fantastical races of creatures. He learns his mother is a siren, a special type of merren that shape shifts on land and sea. As well, as learning of the Black demons that waged war against them for their land.


Raven is siren/human born from a siren mother (Soluna) and a human father (Ivan). Being that he grew up without his parents in world were paranormal/mystical beings are considered myths and tall tales he believed to be a normal person during his childhood. He was adopted by Nana one of the caretakers of a poorly run orphanage in the slums of the city. Going through one bad experiance after another; he developed a stern solitary and gruff personality. His siren side influences his emotions making him very feeling and intensetly moody. Because he's affected these emotions he can be shy in fear of rejection and getting hurt by others and attaches himself to those he decides to trust.

Praesent pharetra, odio ut iaculis laoreet, nisl erat ultrices arcu, quis commodo elit ante vel lorem. Donec tristique eget neque in consequat. Donec semper facilisis lacinia. Maecenas sit amet dignissim dui, at gravida felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo, massa ornare convallis faucibus, nisl nunc ultricies nunc, id cursus magna purus non velit. Suspendisse in erat a tortor blandit blandit nec sed sem. Quisque vitae accumsan turpis. Cras tempus tellus quam, et sollicitudin nibh placerat fermentum. Curabitur at ante vel eros sodales pharetra. Duis ut tortor nulla. Sed dictum metus orci, vel pellentesque purus hendrerit sed. Quisque in tortor finibus, scelerisque tellus id, bibendum arcu. Quisque at ornare quam. Cras sit amet felis eget nunc convallis varius sed ut ante. Morbi mi lacus, elementum id suscipit sagittis, iaculis non nisi.


Magic: Arcane
Element: Darkness
Raven Naphro (Alias: Koji)
Chaotic Good
Centra City
Student (teen) Adventurer/Musician (adult)
December 9th.

Art: Wikipedia

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."


  • Toyhouse
  • Original Characters
  • Good Jokes
  • Yummy Food


  • Reddit
  • Bad Fanart
  • NSFW Images
  • Stepping in Mud

Art: Wikipedia


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat orci nec lacinia rhoncus. Cras volutpat pulvinar augue, a volutpat nunc convallis id. Ut at consectetur turpis. Nulla facilisi.


Main Weapon:
Butter Knife
Sub Weapon:
Better Knife
Main Armor:
Great Armor
Sub Armor:
Great Leggings
Left Handed Scissors
Right Handed Pen


Beep Beep; 50MP
Super Effective on Dogs and Cats, Ineffective on Fish and Tamagotchis; 60MP
Crushing Hug:
Oh no my ribs; 35MP
Eyes Emoji:
Scans foe's butt; 10MP
Brought to you by the letter W and the number 3; 20MP


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed commodo est metus, non rhoncus lorem vehicula posuere. Vivamus nulla ex, vestibulum et blandit sit amet, convallis a quam. Donec eget ornare enim. Fusce finibus ligula lorem. Nunc interdum elit at faucibus laoreet. Nunc vehicula, nisl nec condimentum rhoncus, ante ante auctor nunc, sit amet laoreet nibh est ultrices ex. Maecenas vitae magna ut magna cursus pretium at in nibh. Praesent in porta mi. Sed egestas est nunc, nec fermentum felis tincidunt nec. Ut convallis lorem diam, ut eleifend erat porta at. Phasellus tempor in neque sit amet sagittis. Integer aliquet maximus ante id condimentum. Duis pulvinar vehicula quam, in eleifend lacus auctor nec. Nunc justo risus, bibendum pulvinar arcu ac, posuere egestas eros.

  • Important note #1.
  • Please check the second image for some more important details.
  • As cool as nude refs are, please draw them with clothes. This isn't the red-light district.

Faris is a Bellfox who hails from the desert lands of the Scinan Empire. He is an adult, approximately six feet tall, including his ears. He's thin but muscled, showing a physique that is a balance of power and speed. His base color is a middle grey, with soft black on the insides of his ears, his shoulders, extremities, and hips. His dark markings are framed by white and some areas have flourished dots. On his chest, forearms, palms, legs, and the back of his ears is a white diamond shaped marking cut into three parts. His eyes are naturally grey, but when focusing magic or when his emotions are running high, his eyes glow a pure white light, akin to his charged bell.Cras quis libero scelerisque, ultricies leo eu, rhoncus ante. Suspendisse interdum elit vitae tortor mollis sagittis at quis tortor. Quisque sit amet erat eget tortor gravida volutpat nec a ligula. Phasellus enim ipsum, elementum sed volutpat et, lobortis eu purus. Sed gravida eget nibh a molestie. Nam porta dolor mattis, laoreet magna vel, aliquam nunc. Praesent egestas libero id faucibus feugiat. Sed lorem mi, interdum eget dui in, maximus blandit dolor. Ut efficitur tincidunt lectus, efficitur maximus enim egestas ut. Fusce cursus metus metus, lacinia congue ligula egestas in. Vestibulum tempus urna sit amet magna fermentum finibus. Praesent tempus, nibh et tempus fringilla, eros augue congue ante, vel tempor eros dui vel leo. Suspendisse eu mauris sit amet est interdum consectetur. Aliquam quis lectus gravida, ultricies massa in, vestibulum tellus.

Image by placeholder



Name: Koibito

Relationship: The Lovers


Friends to lovers perhaps? Why the heck not. Cras quis libero scelerisque, ultricies leo eu, rhoncus ante. Suspendisse interdum elit vitae tortor mollis sagittis at quis tortor. Quisque sit amet erat eget tortor gravida volutpat nec a ligula. Phasellus enim ipsum, elementum sed volutpat et, lobortis eu purus. Sed gravida eget nibh a molestie.

Name: Raibaru

Relationship: The Rival


No bond at all. They barely know each other and don't get along! It's tough working together on a job when both of them are like this. Nam porta dolor mattis, laoreet magna vel, aliquam nunc. Praesent egestas libero id faucibus feugiat. Sed lorem mi, interdum eget dui in, maximus blandit dolor. Ut efficitur tincidunt lectus, efficitur maximus enim egestas ut. Fusce cursus metus metus, lacinia congue ligula egestas in.


Name: Tomodachi

Relationship: The Friendo


Buddies!!! Vestibulum tempus urna sit amet magna fermentum finibus. Praesent tempus, nibh et tempus fringilla, eros augue congue ante, vel tempor eros dui vel leo. Suspendisse eu mauris sit amet est interdum consectetur. Aliquam quis lectus gravida, ultricies massa in, vestibulum tellus.

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