


3 years, 8 months ago



obtained for free

full scene with the mountains cost 530c$ ($30)

I have two ideas and hmmmm

Maybe the 3rd or 4th prince of Halycon? I'm not sure how to incorporate the shapeshifting tho and his clothing is too casual, and those thorns and halos

But prince tho, he fits so well, and the two current princes have butterfly wings and bird wings so if he's in this will be a neat mix

Beware of one who has nothing to lose

He  was once a very devout follower of a god, and was tasked by that god  with a really important mission? He was loyal enough, and the mission  vital enough, that he has ended up killing friends and breaking trust to  complete it. At the end though, the god only gave him off-hand praise  and moved on, leaving him alone with a ruined reputation and hated by  society. He's gone slightly mad because of this and his inability to  kill the god who has made him lose friends -> leads to him hurting  whoever's near without care. Cursed himself to have a halo across his  eyes so he doesn't have to see people's faces or expressions.  Externally, you don't really see this turmoil - he just wears a pleasant  smile whilst continuing to ruin his reputation, having accepted his  position as a demon in society, and lacking the will and energy to  change it.

tired, angry, apathetic