Indigo Sinclair



3 years, 9 months ago


Name Indigo Sinclair
Height 5"8
Gender Female
Age 25
Species Human
Demeanor Provocative
Occupation Dancer, Vagabonds
Residence Neo City (Satellite)
You're stupid. I like that in a man.

At glance, Indigo is a mischievous and extroverted woman. Some might even say she’s a whole lotta play and not a lot of work, which would not be a lie. She is also an individual with questionable morals. She will steal from the rich but instead of giving to the poor, she will probably keep it for herself. Indigo does tend to put herself before others, with a few exceptions. It’s not until she really trusts someone that she begins to care. However, this doesn’t happen very often. Indigo is far from easily trusting. She harbors distrust with those she is unfamiliar with, often shooting sly remarks. This is especially the case with older men. Always assuming people have ulterior motives, she has developed a wall that prevents others from getting in.

She dislikes showing emotions and simply resorts to pettiness or being snarky to hide her hurt. In reality, Indigo is very emotional. Though she wants to establish connections with others, she fears they will only hurt her. This is why she puts up a facade of having a tough exterior. She does lower a guard somewhat with her close friends. With those whom she’s close to, she lets loose. She has a good sense of humor, and loves to joke around (usually poking fun) with her friends.

  • Ale
  • Clubbing
  • Meddling in other peoples affairs
  • A good sense of humor
  • Prudes
  • Clinginess
  • Hard work
  • Junk food


Indigo is only member of her crew who was not born into poverty. Originally, Indigo is from the inner parts of the city, where the wealthy reside. Her father, Pierre Sinclair, is a wealthy CEO of a firm in the inner city. She was born to her fathers second wife, Monica. Their marriage was political. Even though there were no feelings of love towards her father by her mother, Indigo’s mother adored her daughter more than life itself. They shared every moment together, from breakfast to bed time stories and being tucked in. Indigo had a very loving relationship with her mother all throughout her life.

With her father, there was not much of a connection aside from them being related and rare times they would spend together. Indigo’s dad was often away at work or on a business trip, so naturally she just became more attached to her mother. Her mom would affectionately call her “Indie”.

Around age of 8, Indigo’s mother fell ill. Even with the help of the best medical experts, her mother would continue to deteriorate. Indigo took her mothers illness very hard. Seeing her once healthy mother struggle pained her. Worse, was the fact that her father not once took time off for her mothers sake. In fact, she had noticed that around this time he came home less. Indigo had her suspicions that her father was doing a lot more than just working for awhile, however, now more than ever, her disdain for him grew.

Indigo’s mother passed away the following year. The death of her mother is something she hates the world for to this day, not knowing why someone like her had to leave so soon. She felt selfish for thinking this way, knowing that if her mother continued to live she would only be in pain. Still, she wished she would come back.

It did not take long for her father to re-marry. Within the same year he remarried his longtime, much younger, secretary. This disgusted Indigo to the point she felt no attachment to the man and even resented being his daughter.

Indigo went through a rough adolescence. She would purposefully act up just to get on her fathers nerves and shame him. Appearances meant a lot to him and she was determined to undermine him any opportunity she got. She especially disliked her step-mother, who her father insisted she refer to as “mom”. When Indigo was 9, her younger brother, Pierre the second, was born. This was when she was excluded from the family. Indigo felt like a stranger in that place she called home.

Even with his main focus on his son, Indigo’s father was growing tired of her insolent behavior. No amount of discipline or time at prep school would change her behavior. At 16, Indigo was kicked and disowned. With not even a penny to her name and no place to go, Indigo wandered around, looking for any job she could find. She came across a pub in the outskirts of the city, run by an older woman. Initially she was denied a job because she had lied about her age. This woman, Bianca, took pity on the girl and decided to give her a job working in the back washing dishes and cleaning. It wasn’t much, but she was fed and allowed to stay in the attic as long as she worked there.

As she grew older, she was allowed to work the floor as a waitress. When Indigo was 20, she left the pub and got a job as an exotic dancer. The job paid decent. As she was the main attraction, she wasn’t liked much by her co-workers but she cared very little about that. She would still visit the old pub from time to time and help out when she could. However, on one occasion she came around she found the pub ransacked. Apparently some thugs had stolen the cash and trashed everything.

This was not a rare occurrence. In the slums, criminals and delinquents ran around as they pleased. Gangs often abused their influence over the misfortunate. All but one, however. The Vagabonds, led by a strange man named Hiro, was the leader of such gang. Instead of abusing his power, he aimed to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Punishing those who took advantage of the less fortunate. Their methods weren’t what the law would agree with, but as far as Indigo was concerned, it was the justice that was needed.


. . .


Design Notes
  • She is a Gemini.
  • Indie is her nickname, however, she only lets those who are close to her use it.
  • Indigo refrains from telling others she is from the inner city. Only a select few know her surname.
  • Indigo puts on a front and prefers to keep her emotions on the down low.
  • Indigo often uses her charm to get what she wants.
  • She can hold he liquor very well. She can beat most people in a drinking contest, with the exception of Vanya.
  • Her behavior can be toxic and manipulative. She does acknowledge this and feel remorseful at times, but does little to change it.
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