

3 years, 7 months ago




Name Sootstain

Age 23 moons

Gender Tom-Cat

Orientation Bi-sexual

Height Content

Build Strong

Species Cat


When you first meet Sootstain, he's quite intimidating. He can sound a bit harsh and he looks like your typical badboy. Someone you don't want a fight with. He can be quite.. spicy. His comments can be quite spicy and sometimes he can lose his anger in the progress. Combined with his quite low voice, some cats are intimidated by him. He's very focussed on maintaining his stamina and muscles, which is something he's quite proud of. He always works very hard and despises other cats who are lazy.

Though we say he's this macho tom, he's actually quite soft on the inside. He takes care of other cats without even thinking twice and always let them rest on top of him, even though he would be quite snarky about it through comments, he would never throw them off. When friends he will also be quite physically affective with them, putting his tail over their backs when resting and will fuss over them if needed. When asked if he can act cute, he will panic. Definitely. (He's actually cute all the time, but when asked to act cute he doesn't know how to act.) Oh. And he will attack if you hurt his friends. You can say anything you want about him, don't touch his friends.

He's also quite playfull with friends. He will chase them for fun or sit on top or poke them when they aren't paying attention.


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In vitae vulputate neque. Phasellus egestas neque neque, id sagittis sapien commodo quis. Curabitur ut sagittis sapien, quis eleifend augue. Donec eu quam diam. Ut tellus lorem, vehicula sit amet ligula non, facilisis varius nulla. Sed lobortis quam efficitur arcu rutrum gravida. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum elit sit amet volutpat. Suspendisse malesuada mollis varius. Nullam orci arcu, molestie a tortor eget, pretium facilisis arcu.


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