


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Clover

Age Adult

Gender Trans Female

Pronouns She/Her

Sexuality Lesbian

Species Ufog


This is Clover and she's a closed species called a Ufog.

Clover is a very loving creature, she is very gentle and seems to have a natural understanding for everyone around her. She's very motherly.

She is protective, almost to a detriment to her. She has a group of animals that live around her house, that know her and she protects. She can get very aggressive if someone tries to hunt them. Same issue with anyone she sees to be the underdog, she feels concern for them and jumps to their defence. This is because nobody did this for her, she wants to be the person she needed.

She is a vegetarian, even though most of her species are complete omnivores, she prefers not to eat animals. 

Clover is naturally magical, she is able to make potions and do partial healing spells. Plants naturally grow on her due to her magic, she uses these plants to befriend bees.

The plants on her back react to her strong emotions. When she's angry or sad, they wilt. When she's tired or asleep, the flowers turn into buds. When she's happy, which she normally tends to be, they brightly bloom.

Clover is curious, she always explores what she's interested in. Which has gotten her into some issues for sticking her nose into others business.

"Hey love, are you alright?"

HTML by lowkeywicked