Jude S [Adventures in Odyssey]



4 years, 9 days ago


Jude grew up in the small town of Odyssey and has spent pretty much his whole life there. He’s been bestest buds with a certain scrawny egghead by the name of Eugene for as long as either of them can remember. They had their differences, of course (Jude couldn’t ever understand why his best friend in the whole wide world wouldn’t come to church with him) but those things hardly matter when you’re a kid. Even though they were never in the same classes (Jude’s a couple years younger and Eugene skipped grades at impossible rates) they were—and are!—inseparable. So, perhaps the shift in their thoughts about one another from warm familiarity to overheated nerves is a little strange, but they’ll navigate it together. :] 

Jude’s worked a few odd gigs here and there, but he got his first real noteworthy job at 18 when he took on a position at the short-lived Blackgaard’s Castle (though he was, erm, going by a different name at the time). He found himself quickly overwhelmed by the arcade’s hectic environment and quit as soon as he could. Surprisingly, his boss took the separation really well! At least, Jude THOUGHT that he had... and then a couple hours later he was getting stuffed into a black car going gosh-knows-where. So, uh, turns out the ol’ bossman doesn’t take well to—oh, what did he call them? Loose ends? 

After a few days of sinister observation and strangely entrancing monologues, Jude becomes quite well-liked by Doctor Blackgaard (and the feeling is CERTAINLY mutual).