Savannah Fulcher



3 years, 7 months ago


Story: The Villain School
Age: 15
Height: 5'3
Gender: trans girl
Pronouns: she/her
Main Theme: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons
Villain School Toyhouse folder

Savannah is stubborn and rude. She speaks whats on her mind and doesn't care about making friends. When she gets nervous, she tends to put on a brave face and hide her fear with insults and jokes. Despite this, she deeply cares for people who manage to stick around her long enough for them to become friends. She's very impulsive, often rushing into decisions without thinking of the consequences

Savannah lived on her own for as long as she can remember. As a kid, a neighbor helped care for her until she dissapeared, once again leaving Savannah on her own. She became fiercely independent, and refused to take orders. Around the time she turned 15, Maple appeared at her home to take her to the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. Savannah hated it there, and refused to listen to her teachers. She became known as the student who was trying to escape. Despite this, she ended up becoming especially attached to Carrie, who stubbornly tried to be her friend, and Sammy, her roommate. She decided to stay at the school after finally becoming friends with Wally, although she kept up appearances in trying to escape until the end of the year.

She has pyrokinesis, meaning she can manipulate fire as long as she has a source nearby. Her prosthetic arm doubles as a fuel source, providing her with constant access to fire. The red glow dims when she uses her fuel, eventually going out when she has none left.

She has a special connection with her pendant, even if she doesn't know why. When she uses more power than she's used to, it begins to glow with a faint red light.