Travis Cunningham



Basic info - 🐍

Name Travis Cunningham
Species Snakecat
Age 19
Gender Male

Personal info - Bisexual_Pride_Flag.png

Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Bisexual
Birthday Undecided
Height 6'3
Faction Humane 

Current Living - locations_plains2.png

Planet Earth
Country Lamia
City St. Saldin
Occupation Detective

Reference Sheet -


Design notes -

His schlera(eye-whites) are black, his irises are yellow, and his pupils are white.

Extra -

Theme  Undecided
Voice  Undecided

Likes -

  • Mocha Lattes
  • Reading by himself
  • Chocolate
  • The color blue
  • Yarn, but he doesn't know why...

Dislikes -

  • Being caught playing with yarn...
  • Fruity candies
  • He hates pineapples
  • Rock music, it's too loud.
  • The color purple

About -

   Travis is a know-it-all, but that's just one of his perks. He acts like he knows everything, and most of the time he is actually quite right about things, but that doesn't make him any less air-headed. He is the well-known roommate of Stephanie Gadget in the story "Detective Stephanie." He serves as her partner in college and a helpful sidekick in solving crime. Travis also has a very observant eye and can figure out the many solutions to a problem with only one glance.

   He can detect when objects are slightly out of line, is skilled with the gun, and does freelance detective work.

   He has a venom that causes people to tell the truth, he achieved this by drinking an energy drink made with Yellow Xilos flowers every day (They were magical flowers that restructured his magic/abilities in a positive way.)

   He is also able to use hypnosis with his eyes but only uses it as a last resort. He keeps his neck scrunched up and usually wears a trenchcoat to cover up his true size. He's able to use this to his advantage since he knows stretching out will cause others to be intimidated.

 Stephanie, it isn't easy. It's just common sense. 

Stephanie Gadget
Roommate/Detective Partner

He met her in a college dorm room as roommates, they were partners in the detective business. He takes the role as her Sidekick, and is quite picky about how she acts. He comments on the things she does and he thinks she's quite strange compared to everyone else who lives in the town.