


7 years, 3 months ago


Sometimes goes by D or Dee
Literal embodiment of Death

Thin and tall, with almost no body mass, he resembles a skeleton with skin draped over it. His clothes wouldn't be baggy on a normal person, but they practically hang off of him

For now he's chosen to be a young-looking guy, but Death can take whatever form he wishes - he can be a man, a woman, a child, an elderly person, an animal, a plant, anything alive. However, he'll always look thin, frail, pale, almost dead or sickly.

He sees people as skeletons with names written on their foreheads in a language only he and Life understand
legend has it that if you put all the names of people from one generation in the order their died it'll make a letter from Life to Death, but he gets flustered if you ask him about it

Personality-wise, Death's a sweetheart. Very extroverted, caring, compassionate and loving, but he's also extremely shy and anxious. He loves spending time with people, but is very hesitant to approach them. It doesn't help that most don't like him on a conceptual level, and get intimidated or creeped out by his appearance/aura on a personal level. He usually gets to talk to people only after they die, when he's come to pick them up, and he does his best to be friendly and calm them down.

However, his world isn't populated only by normal humans. Even between all the demons, angels, witches, monsters and other magical creatures, there aren't many that personally know Death, and even fewer that get along with him despite his best efforts. However, in those circles most are aware that he's a sentient creature and would be able to recognize him. 

Death can't be harmed, he doesn't feel pain, hunger, extreme hot or cold, etc... Physically, he's always comfortable no matter what. He can't even be touched if he doesn't want it - he'll just disintegrate to black smoke and form again a few meters away. Since he can't see things that aren't alive, he will pass trough objects if he doesn't know they're there

He can be in multiple places at once without any issues

He keeps all the information about who dies how and when on his phone, but only he can see and understand the information - everyone else just see a black screen. It's a phone only because it's the most appropriate thing for the job in the current age. In the past this phone's been a book, a scroll, etc...