Peter Wilde



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Peter Wilde






Bisexual (polyamorous)






"It does one more good than harm to indulge in a sweet treat once in a while."dgls9mc-2d9835bf-091a-4e5c-ac57-2162ae89

Oblivious, Dopey, Caring, Habitual, Shameless, Silly, Fun, Workaholic, Dedicated, Contemplative

Peter is a husband, a father, an erotic novelist, and a lover. It's easy to read Peter as the bumbling, loving dad, and for the most part, it's true. But he's also not always the best father or husband. Peter lacks restraint. He allows himself to cheat in many areas of life but is surprisingly self restrained in other areas. He doesn't want to over step his bounds. However, he is not overly timid. He's one of those embarrassing dads who can do something ridiculous with no shame. He can be quite submissive, but still stubborn in his own habits. He's an old dog, struggling to learn new tricks. 

When in the middle of a novel, he becomes a workaholic, getting so focused on his work and trapping himself in the interior of his own mind. When like this, he forgets about the important people in his life, being rather oblivious at times to the needs of others. Contrastly, when Peter is in between novels, people often find him over attentive and a bit much.

Peter married his high school sweetheart right out of school. She was a fairly wealthy and dominant woman. Together, they had their one daughter, who was spoiled immensely in her young age while her father stayed home to take care of her and while her mother worked to provide for them. However, Peter couldn't put his career of writing on hold forever, and once he got back into writing, he began to spend less time with his daughter. She in return started to rebel. 

He adores his only daughter with all his heart. She's been in her 'rebellious stage' for years now. They used to be very close, and he'd still do anything for her. He doesn't always know what's going on with her but tries to reach out once in a while. She seems to think that it's lame that they used to be close. But at least he's not as bad as some dads can be, but that doesn't excuse his behavior, nor does it excuse hers.

Peter has come to rely on his wife's income. Although he's seen success in some of his novels, he's had quite a few flops as well,  and his wife's success has allowed him to keep worrying what his heart desires to write. 

Peter and his wife's relationship has seen strain over the years. After many arguements, they've slowly drifted apart. They've avoided discussing it, but both seem on the same page to stay together and pretend all is well.



  • Peter has diabetes and frequently ignores his doctor's suggestions to better his diet and instead blames his poor doctor for all his ailments, but refuses to see anyone else for treatment.
  • likes People watching
  • has a weakness for sweets and dislikes bland health foods