Dalik'in Creatik



7 years, 4 months ago


Dalik'in "Dax" Creatik

NAME|| Dax (Dalik'in Creatik)

GENDER || Male

AGE || Eheu

Sexuality || Pansexual

ETHNICITY || Creatik (real world equivalent is Greek)

Species || Cretian-Kin

HEIGHT || 6'0" (183 cm)

WEIGHT || 162 lb



Dax is slightly shorter than the average height of your regular Creatik. He has a fairly lean and muscular build with some thunder thighs since he relies heavily on his legs for most fighting and travel. Due to a genetic syndrome similar to klinefelter's syndrome, he has more prominent hips and breasts that, no, are not just really intense pecs nor fake.

He has naturally dark skin leaning on the reddish side and a softly angled square jaw. He has a fairly large forehead and slightly drooping eyes. His left eye was underdeveloped, causing it to have a natural slant to it and to be smaller than his right (though he can still see through it about as well, but focusing with it can give him headaches). His eye color comes in two layers, the first being marigold and the second layer being a light blue. He has thick eyebrows and a big nose with a very prominent curve to it (similar to a bird's beak). His lips are full and he's got quite a few moles scattered over his face and the rest of his body (trademark to the skin type of Creatiks). He's got high, pointed ears and is rarely seen without his earrings.

His hair is coarse and sticks out pretty wildly. It varies in length but usually he keeps it to about mid-back length. It's a dark, reddish ash brown tone and is generally darker at the ends.

He has two wire-like feather appendages that grow from near his temples. They grow up to 50 cm in length and he has a minimal amount of mobility over them (they move with his emotions really). They're trademark of male Kins. He's able to hide them and they can regrow.




Dax is a naturally mellow and introverted kind of guy, prefering to stay out of attention and disliking crowds. However, he was raised in a family and community that valued agressive and extroverted behavior so he's learned to act more energetic and extroverted. His natural tendency to being facetious helps him act more brash and interact with others. With others he's fairly loud and usually has a wide smile, but in private and with people he trusts he's usually very quiet.

He is fairly assertive though and as analytical as he tries to be, he has a tendency to do things based off of his intuition and feelings. He's a deeply empathetic person and a tendency to want others to be happy/to help people which can lead to trouble when he ignores his own safety and health. 

He's a very earnest worker though and has a very firm "keep going and things will work out in the end" philosphy as well as a distinct belief that no one is wholly good or bad which causes warriness as well as stubborn disbelief in viewing someone as a bad person at times.


✔️ ||

Birds, his family and s/os, mildly sweet and creamy foods, traveling, warm weather, the sound of waves and fire crackling, soft textures, epics and folk tales/legends, pirates (he thinks the concept of them are really cool), generally just seeing the world

✖️ ||

Sour food, large crowds, having his neck touched, high pitched noises, sea travel, strong smells, small/closed-off spaces, snow and generally cold weather, overcomplicated plans




  • Has a nasty scar on the back of his neck that he hates having people touch
  • Most nights he can't really fall asleep and just spends time looking out a window or up at the sky
  • Bad habit of overthinking things
  • Pretty good singer
  • Has a low key fear of felines
  • Has good stamina but not very strong
  • Has little conceptual understanding of gender
  • Pretty low alcohol tolerance
  • Strange thick accent that comes from being raise speaking two different languages
  • Illiterate
  • Super proud of the tattoo of his family crest on his back