

7 years, 2 months ago


Ji-Min || Goddess of Rain and The Jade River || Young Jade Maiden
" ..... "

Ji-Min isΒ a young, extroverted dragon with a reputation for tricks and pranks. She's a demi-goddess but you really wouldn't know it by looking at her as she prefers to take the form of a young girl in a hanbok.
She is named for her Jade River which she holds dominion over and has a clear, but pleasant green tint to the waters that sparkle like a gem stone. The river runs the course for many thousands of miles and brings life to many areas in the region, making it possible for human settlement. She is worshipped in many shrines with offerings.

//Note Ji-Min is also a 'dragonmaid' sona oc so her gallery is split into two sections!

πŸ‰ Physical Apperance: Height: 5'3" || Weight: 140 || Body Type: average, thin || Age: ∞ 
πŸ‰ Name Meaning: there are a lot of spellings/meanings to her name, she spells it εΏ— 珉 for will, purpose, ambition // jade, stone resembling jade
πŸ‰ Significant Other: ❀

Items always on their person:
♦ Jade orb, hangs on a necklace around her neck || A "dragon orb" known as the Yeo-ui-ju

Theme song β™ͺβ™©β™« || Theme song 2 β™ͺβ™©β™«