Guide Bird



3 years, 8 months ago


The Guide Bird resembles a Scissor tailed flycatcher and is claimed to lead lost travelers back to their camps or to safe paths. Some travelers who say when they were on the brink of starvation or dehydration the Guide Bird would give them a small white berry from its pack that would restore their health, but when asked what the berry tasted like could not give consistent answers, some said it tasted like salt, others like a strawberry or similar fruit, while others said nothing at all. At night the Guide Bird is said to appear carrying a small yellow lantern along with its compass and pack.

On some occasions travelers who were not lost have claimed to see the Guide Bird flying slowly and in straight lines as if it was leading a lost person out of the forests but there appeared to be no one following it. Some have theorized that the bird was leading the soul of a traveler that had died out of the woods but there is little evidence to support this and skeptics say that it was most likely a normal bird and not the Guide Bird