. c e r u .'s Comments



This character is up for offerz!1! I am seeking art/trades. I'd prefer Art > Characterz.

This character is also part of a major WTA event I am holding1! So if you'd like to write for her, feel free 2 do so!! (Though, offering heightenz your chance at obtaining this character1!1)

Please ping my main account, SM1LECHARGE when posting an entry. If offering, please either ping my main in your offer or DM my main!1!

(caliginous I will send ceru over if softy does not wish to offer!1! Just checking since I prioritize offerz over entries. :])


Hi! I'd love to adopt this girl!! I'd adapt her into a Steven Universe Gem character for an oc story im working on with this group of characters! She would be named Kyanite, and her gem would be in the small of her back. She would be very close with Flourite. Her weapon would be a crossbow!