Max & Angie



7 years, 3 months ago


Angie usually clothes are from the 16th picture. Top: White short sleeve, black-and-white strips sleeve less jacket. Bottom: Blue jeans, black converse. Hair color: Dark brown. Eyes color: Original: Brown. New ones: Purple (most use) Accessories: Silver cross necklace, silver cross earrings.

Angie is very quiet, she barely form a sentence. Once you know her she could talk a little bit more, not too much. She lives with her mother, her dad left them to follow the dream of Las Vegas. (Yup, abandoned). She believes in something, but she is not sure if that something is real or not. She becomes a Christian after Max told her about the truth and how she could be saved. Met Max on college. Max is her boyfriend.

Max usually clothes can be seen in most of the pictures. The blue jacket is from college.

Top: White short sleeve, red shirt, brownish-beige jacket with hood. Red hat.

Bottom: Black jeans, black converse.
Hair color: Blonde with light brown.
Eyes color: light brown.
Accessories: Blue gem necklace. 

Max is calm, crazy and sometimes annoying. Though he could be a gentleman when he wants to. Came from a Christian family. Believes in love at first sight. Both parents died on an accident, he lives with his uncle and aunt. They never wanted him in the first place, though sometimes they care about it. RARELY.
Met Angie on college.

Angie is his girlfriend.