


3 years, 9 months ago
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Minimum USD Offer: $60

On Top of the World
Homeward Bound

! His family consists of his birth-mother, sister (6 yr), and deceased mom. A whole family of girls..
! He's cocky, energetic, somewhat careless, impulsive, a spazz more often than not. He's easily frustrated, and tends to get tired of routines.. But he is picky about some things changing
! His income is mainly from delivering packages, clay-working, and bartering/treasure hunting. He's very good with his hands, and enjoys making jewelry with beads he's hand-made, and precious stones he finds while hunting.
- He will often leave his home to go on self-declared adventures, searching for the next new and exciting 'thing'
- Some of his work is displayed in his wings, as he likes to thread some of his feathers through clay beads. He'll also weave dyed ribbons through his bones in intricate patterns
! He is greatly interested in music, and tends to get distracted by melodies heard on his travels. He isn't afraid to sing or dance with anyone, anywhere, to almost anything.
- A large part of his enjoyment in this field is to see other people smile watching or joining him.
- He can't play any instruments himself, so it fascinates him to see people playing such tools so effortlessly. It's a whole other world he does his best to take part in.