Damien Duras



3 years, 9 months ago



Damien Duras

  • Damien Duras
  • male
  • Purple
  • 4'11"
  • America
  • unknown
  • he/They
  • Gay
  • Purple (natural is brown)
  • 110 lb.
  • Kingdom of Ezvera
  • 19 (in human years but 109 in vampire years)



  • Water
  • Candy
  • Painting
  • Playing lute


  • Fire
  • small spaces
  • hospitals
  • Crowds


  • Damien is missing his left eye
  • grew up in an orphanage
  • loves to swim
  • music brings him closer to his best friend who passed away




write about your OC's personality here!
Damien is a more quiet and collected person who enjoys just making tons and tons of candy for his customers and reading books -mostly romance novels but he won’t admit to that-. Damien loves to walk around in flower fields and fantasize about bringing future friends or love interests to all his favorite places and making them all kinds of candy and treats. He might have not grown up in the best home but Damien tries not to let that stop him from being a kind hearted and generous person at all times, though he’s a bit oblivious and tends to get used a lot. Damien doesn’t have a lot of friends, therefore nobody to protect him from the bad and selfish people in the world. That is why the poor boy almost never leaves his candy shop and excludes himself from any contact with people as much as he can.



Damien was only a toddler when he was just dumped on the side of the street in the pouring rain. Thankfully he was just old enough to walk so he, a confused 2 year old, wattled around the busy streets of New York City waiting for someone to scoop him up and cuddle him forever. Sadly- that never happened, a rude orphanage owner grabbed him and locked him up and never allowed to go outside. Damien was to never leave his room as he was considered “dangerous” and “horrifying” Damien later found out that was because he was a vampire. What Damien could never understand is why all he was allowed to do was stare out the window at all the colorful people and things and he had to stay in the empty room with nothing more than a mattress. This was his life for what seemed like a whole lifetime, until another little boy named diyer got thrown into that room with Damien. The two little boys played and talked and did basically anything they could do for years. August 23rd- midnight Damien woke up to the thick smell of smoke, he pried his eyes open them almost immediately, watering from all the black clouds filling the air. He woke Diyer and tried to get them from the room. Unable they both began crawling into the corner sobbing until the firemen found them. By that point Damien had passed out completely unaware that the other boy he was holding had sadly passed away from smoke inhalation.


In the hospital Damien begged and begged to see diyer but no one had the heart to tell him that his best friend had passed away. He was twelve then- now he is a 19 year old man who is looking for places to work or start a business. Not long after the fire they rebuilt the orphanage but it stayed Un-bought sparking damiens interest to make it into a candy shop. Little did he know that His best friend still lurked in the building just not as a human. Diyer was now a ghost and lived waiting for the day someone would be his friend and never leave his side again. As Damien walked into his new shop tears sprung to his eyes seeing his old friend standing in the doorway. Diyers eyes widened and he ran-well floated to damien as fast as he could lifting Damien into the air and spinning him around hugging him as tight as he could (he can touch people if he wants to but if he doesn’t he can go through them). Damien had never been so happy to have his friend back now allowing himself to open his heart and welcome diyer back into his heart. They now both co-own their small little candy shop together living life as themselves happily in love and cute! Damien is a very happy but quiet boy who enjoys making candy and just being a happy boy. He loves to shower his friends/lovers with gifts and extravagant things even if he honestly couldn’t really afford it. Diyer is a chill man who enjoys more cost less presents such as candles, baking, kisses, and whispering little nothings in his lovers ear





Cornelius Bell

