Life Itself (Curuz)



3 years, 8 months ago


Why is life synonymous to good things when one knows that I am not? — Life Itself

Curuz Servirege was born in Kishinev, Moldavia in 1979, only to become Life Itself at his eventual end. He had been an avid supporter of communism, which shows in Life’s reign. While Life was created to be a partner with Imagination, this Life discounts all of that and is far more independent than what was intended. She is far crueler and commanding than the previous incarnations, and holds all their power within a tight, controlled fist. Life is very abrasive and often their long nails scratch a soul, which damages its ability to function normally. Often, life may try to use a soul again and again without giving it a break, and the soul will become more mutated and prone to insanity. Death often begs for those souls -- and while it is Reality's job to deliver them, they are also a sack of utter shite and ignore that plea (it's more fun that way.)

Life is a cold, calculating entity that enjoys punishing souls and gaining power. She always tries to be cool-headed and resourceful, and not to give in to loss and her overly cruel nature. She is attractive, intimidating, mysterious and aristocratic, but she is prone to anger and being suspicious. Life values power, advantages, human nature, and a good tailor. She is represented by cracked glass and monochrome.