



loutes, louzo or corn 


species: demon

height: 5ft maybe?

age: 17y.o 

agender, aroace



- previously a random human who picked up a cursed mask and got tranformed forever into a new form

- no longer human, but something immortal ! and non human looking so had to jump ship to another diamention

- the mask is some imprisoned demon that lost its mind and will from just swiming tru empiness of infinite space for too long

oh how imortality can be abused~


- sharp teeth >:] to consume meat.. and maybe cocacola

-  lives in a poket diamention what is basicly planes biome with sea and beach to the side, with strangley cheenise style looking house with inner garden n stuff

- in that home in diamention theres just also bunsharks everywere bc every bunshark i own lives within there

- dont ask were food comes from(crime)
