Beta Persei



3 years, 8 months ago


Beta Persei

Name: Demonassa Howard
Nicknames: Medusa
Age: 23
Birthday: May 9
Sex/Gender: Female

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 112

Appearance: Full, bright turquoise eyes, long dark violet to turquoise long wavy curls up in pigtails and buns. Has creamy white skin that shows a shimmery faint rainbow undertone that only shows in the right lighting.

Species / Ethnicity: Algolian Primal. (Humanoid)
Homeworld: Algol Prime
Current Residence: Outside of Sloan City

Orientation: Heterosexual
Likes: Horror, the paranormal and the unexplained, cold weather, seafood, dark colors, practicing witchcraft.
Dislikes: Big cities, entitled people, crowds, the greedy and powerful corrupt people of the universe.
Dream[s]: Exploring other worlds mythologies and paranormal activities and being a famous paranormal investigator.

Personality: The idea of her is she was born under a bad star and she has dark beings either helping her or trying to kill her. She wants to be a good person but the way her life has turned out the only way to let the good guys win is to be as evil and dark as the bad guys and use that darkness for a good cause. She is prone to mental break downs and bouts of insanity that she goes all dark and destructive.
Background Bonus: She has no real fear when exploring things that others find discussing, unnerving or scary. She just wants answers and her being from a planet that is known for darkness and the unknown and unthinkable it is clear that it is in her nature to want to know more. Even if it means getting down and dirty with evil to destroy evil. She will gladly do so.

Harrowing Event – She was born under a dark star. Others can feel the star system of Algol it watching them, coldly and distantly when she is around. Sometimes the star system beckons and haunts others in the dead of night who have interacted with her.

Personality Trait - I don't run from evil. Evil runs from me.

Ideal - Greater Good. I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)

Bond - There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.

Flaw - I talk to spirits that no one else can see.

History: Born from a family of paranormal archeologists and quantum physics, Demonassa was always a curious child. Playing in the weirdest places and poking her noses into things most people wouldn’t dare poke or prod in understanding. Her parents encouraged her to be creative and to keep an open mind. When she was chosen to be part of the Order of the Slone, she took the opportunity to make her family and planetary system proud. Since it has been known that her star system of Algol was considered evil and demonic. Which Demonassa wants to try to change.

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Faction Designation: VTC

Physical Changes: She looks more mature and menacing in appearance and emotion.

Class: Blood Hunter 

Subclass: [locked until level 3]

STATS [this will be rolled after character creation!]

Weapon[s]: A morphing type of pole arm that changes shape in various ways.
Gear: Explorer's Pack, Alchemist's Supplies

Powers: Unreality Manipulation

Weaknesses: Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits. May only manipulate certain forms of unreality.