


3 years, 9 months ago


jKtDMHM.png There’s nothing more important to Aryschka than enjoying life, a prospect she goes about in a way that not everyone will agree. From constantly throwing herself into every situation, doing any miscellaneous task she can think of or saying hi to anyone she ever meets, Aryschka does everything to make sure she doesn’t miss out. This goes extra hard when it comes to any drama and gossip, as she makes sure to get involved in every murmur that she hears. To Aryschka this is more of a giddy fun thing rather than something born of malice, I mean who wouldn’t enjoy silly trifles over someone not returning the plates they borrowed?

Despite her quickly changing her current hobbies there are some that stay, namely theater. Originally started by her locally because she wanted to ‘try it out’ she quickly fell in love with it, finding it a great way to use all the things she knows. The first play she ever worked on, based on a popular children's book, starred her as the director, narrator, stagehand and several of the characters as volunteers willing to help her out were far and few between. The little ensemble she made would repeat the play many times, unfortunately to the same audience (consisting of the villagers she lives with) who weren’t too pleased with the familiarity of the work. She’d then go ahead and change little parts of the play herself, making sure to catch them off guard. Eventually the story seemed almost unrecognizable compared to the original. The second play Aryschka would work on was completely her own original work.

The always cheery woman is not without criticism, as her tendency to give everyone a second, third or ever a fourth chance tends to drive some people mad. Aryschka takes benefit of the doubt to a fault, struggling with seeing most people in a bad light, especially if they were nice to her beforehand.

On the other side she can get petty about the most minute of things, for multiple days.

The Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience