
3 years, 9 months ago



Trans male
Moray eel merperson
Made for fun


Aal was the runt of the litter. so, like all morays do, he was thrown out to prove he could survive. After an encounter with some creature, a leviathan people say, he was blinded in one eye and accepted back into his family. Aal never really fit in with his family, isolated from them because he was a runt. He chose to leave, venturing out to a tired old reef he now calls home.

Meeting Kaiko

One day, a battered giant snakehead merperson washed up on his reef. Normally, All would've just made a meal out of them. But something intrigued Aal, maybe the book full of wondrous pictures, maybe because the fact the mer wasn't even afraid of Aal. Startled by the sudden flurry of questions the snakehead asked him upon consciousness, Aal just swam away. Hoping he'd be left alone, the mer kept showing up to keep asking questions. Somewhat charmed by his personality, Aal gave in and learned his name. Kaiko was the snakeheads' name. The cycle of Kaiko showing up to Aal's irritation continued, but each time, Aal warmed up to Kaiko a little more.


Aal didn't really expect to be in love. Yeah, sure he enjoyed spending time with Kai, but he didn't really realize just what Kai meant to him. Sometimes he'd visit his family, and talk about his new friend(Defiantly leave out the part that he's not a moray). When his family started joking about his obvious feelings, Aal kind of realized why and what he was feeling. He was too terrified to tell Kai for a while, hopping they'd both think the feeling was mutual. It didn't work. He ended up trying to confess, but ran off both embarrassed and angry that he couldn't get the words out. Kaiko got the hint.


Aal is a solitary person, finding it hard to enjoy large groups of people. He's pretty calm most of the time, thinking before speaking or acting. He has a lot of unresolved emotions about his mother, his family, and what really happened when he lost his eye.


Aal is a merperson, with a long moray eel body starting at his waist. He has long ears, gills on his neck, clawed and webbed hands, and a second jaw hidden in his mouth. He covers up his eye scar with his black hair. 

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