


3 years, 8 months ago


· Anna "Tint" Demore | she/they | tiefling ·

... a splash of color...

Anna grew up happily on a peaceful farm in the middle of the countryside. Her parents dodded on her as their only child and keep her safe from the world outside their lands. Both of her mother and father were esteemed knights of the kingdom but long retired. Along with doing her chores dutifully, Anna took up the passion for painting. She would spend days on a work of art, working on it until it was perfect. She loved getting her hands dirty and as such is usually stained with all different kinds of paints and dyes. Her parents joke that her the red, blue and yellow markings she was born with had predicted her love of colors. It wasn't until she was a teenager that she ever had a worry in the world. With her parents called off to war, she didn't know what to do. She was alone on their massive farm and not only could she not keep up, the color from the world has drained from her. But she was never one to let things be, so without a second thought she gathered her paints and brushes and headed off on an adventure to bring her parents home. And she is going to fight with the one thing she knows: color.

moodboard | theme | voice

original design by realtense
code by zodia