


3 years, 9 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title God of Lost Hope
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation God
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Unknown
    • Species Deity


    Hydrineth is a God with long brown hair that falls to his waist. His eyes are a light blue and he tends to dress in colours of blue, black and white. His jacket falls to his feet in a spike-like design. The necklike sits low, exposing a portion of his chest and a thick, gold and blue belt sits over his waist. His trousers are mostly black with blue and white wave-like patterns. He often wears a pendant on a gold chain, which somewhat resembles an eye. His shoes are blue and black, matching the rest of his outfit. As the God of Lost Hope, Hydrineth also has a Sea Beast form, the form he is currently trapped in for what is supposed to be an eternity.


    • BUILD Tall, well built

    • FOOD Shellfish
    • COLOUR Dark blue
    • ANIMAL Large sharks
    • SETTING His temple
    • WEATHER Dark & Rainy
    • DRINK Beer
    • NUMBER Two
    • GENRE Thriller
    • ACTIVITY Competing
    • TIME OF DAY Midday


    • Respect
    • Forgiveness
    • Showing off


    • Judgement
    • Being ignored
    • People stronger than him


    • Competing with others
    • Playing games
    • Swimming

    Hydrineth is one of the native Deities on Calizen. As the God of Lost Hope, this Deity represents hopelessness and the loss of faith. This means he is very far from perfect, despite what his followers likely say. He was a very competitive spirit, made only worse by his sister, who was equally competitive. This, plus their stubbornness and pride made for a chaotic rivalry between them. Hydrineth was also known for being a very brave and ambitious individual with the utmost confidence in himself and his abilities. This, however, may not be so accurate now, as he hides away, ashamed of the sea monster appearance he was turned into.


    • Brave
    • Ambitious
    • Confident


    • Competitive
    • Prideful
    • Stubborn


    As the God of Lost Hope, Hydrineth only wanted to have fun and compete with his sister. Now, after being transformed into a sea monster because of his actions, he just wants to repent and regain his true form once more. He wishes to make up for what he has done and earn the right to walk on land again.


    • Never regaining his true form
    • Pyrin and her power


    • Tends to act without thinking
    • Often competes with others


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Casual
    • COMMON STARTER “Hey, waz up?”
    • SWEARS? Rarely
    • QUIRKS Always interrupts people and talks about himself a lot
  • Species

    [ Deity ] The universe revolves around Deities. They are powerful entities, capable of creating planets, land and sea, as well as other lifeforms entirely. Through tales of old, ancient stories engraved through time, these gods and goddesses give and take from the worlds they oversee. Some bring about darkness and disease, while others bring light and hope to the people who read their scriptures. Deities exist on almost every planet, some created by the citizens of their world, fake gods and goddesses that serve a purpose to scare, enlighten or give hope to the people. There are, however, true divine beings hidden among them, scattered throughout the galaxy. Most originate from a planet called Arcturus, born from a mysterious rift in the crimson sky above. From here, they are assigned to different worlds or given a place among the Arcturus ranks.


    [ Outcast ] The Outcast is the lowest rank of the divine. Often, this has nothing to do with power or stature, but rather, their reputation as a god or goddess. Those who go rogue, fail to uphold their duties as Deities, or leave Arcturus and their roles completely, are immediately placed under this category. They are thought of as the lowest of the low and have zero respect from others, often bullied or belittled, whether to their face or behind their backs.


    As a Goddess in the Outcast rank, this Deity relies mostly on his own unique talents to get by. While he may have a lot of followers, the source of most Deities' strength, he has been cursed, forced into the body of an aquatic beast. This stripped him of his godly powers and status as a God. Now, he has very little celestial magic, something nearly all Deities possess. As a Sea Beast, however, he does possess water-related powers. It is said that with a flick of his tail, he can create tsunamis large enough to drown the entire land. He is also an incredibly fast swimmer and can breathe underwater.

  • History

    Unlike Calizen’s powerful but more secretive Goddess, Jovianne, Hydrineth and his sister, Tashieka, were not born from the Rift above Arcturus. Back when Calizen was still rather primitive, these two ruled the land as the world's primary Deities. What they did was no concern of Jovianne’s, as her duty as Timekeeper was her one and only priority, so she just kept to herself. These two young Deities were very competitive siblings, however, and often fought with each other to display their immense power. While it was mostly just playful and fun, it began to get out of hand, where the two would do drastic things, just to prove they were better than each other. Eventually, Tashieka realised the wrong they were doing, that their ‘fun’ was harming others, the mortals of Calizen. Wanting to put a stop to it, she confronted her brother about the matter, yet he failed to see her concerns. From here, the fighting only worsened, getting so bad it attracted the attention of a third party, another Goddess who goes by the name of Pyrin. This mischievous Deity only saw humour in the situation, despite the carnage and bloodshed. All she sought was a little fun, and with power greater than the both of them, she chose to turn Hydrineth into an aquatic beast. This stripped him of his magic, which in turn stopped the meaningless fight between the siblings. Tashieka, however, lost her brother that day, as he now resides in his temple beneath the waves, hiding away in shame for all eternity. It is unknown what happened to Tashieka and Pyrin after this ordeal, but it is believed Tashieka resides somewhere on Calizen, awaiting her brother's return, while Pyrin returned to the sun as a Deity of Fire.


    Unlike Calizen’s powerful but more secretive Goddess, Jovianne, Hydrineth and his sister, Tashieka, were not born from the Rift above Arcturus. They, instead, were created from immense Celestial Energy that circled Calizen before life even began to thrive. It is believed that Hydrineth was born from the depths of the ocean, while his sister descended from the heavens.

    Current Residence

    It is said that Hydrineth now resides in the Temple of Hydrineth. This place is an underwater temple located just southwest of U.L.E. The area was once believed to have been a stretch of land attached to the island, yet fate had it collapse, taking the temple with it. The name ‘Hydrineth’, is actually a god, lesser known than Tashieka, yet still worshipped by the people of Arckos, however, what they don’t realise, is that while they believe they know their god and his actions, it is the people of U.L.E. who know a different story. Those on Arckos believe Tashieka and Hydrineth are two unrelated celestial beings, but in reality, the two were siblings. Hydrineth and Tashieka were both rather competitive, often fighting with each other and showing off their power long before Calizen was said to exist. While it was mostly just playful, in time, this grew out of hand, where the two would do drastic things, just to prove they were better than the other. Eventually, Tashieka realised the wrong they were doing, that by doing so, they were harming others. Wanting to put a stop to it, she confronted her brother about the matter, yet he didn’t seem to understand. The fighting only worsened from here, getting so bad that it supposedly attracted the attention of a third party, another god by the name of Pyrin, who was merely there for fun. She was the one who turned Tashieka’s brother into the monstrous creature he is now.

  • Ancestry

    • Hydrineth was said to be born from the depths of the ocean from nothingness
    • This means that he has no real ancestry, or at least not any that people know of


    • How Hydrineth runs his religion, controls his power and gains greater followings
    • His beast form and location, as he is embarrassed by it and does not want anyone to see him


    • Hydrineth is one of three Calizen native Deities
    • He was turned into a sea monster by a third Deity, Pyrin