Asrin Sketchton



3 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info

Asrin Sketchton
Trans Male


  • Craft stores
  • Craft fairs
  • Crafting
  • Drawing


  • Most People
  • Being Called Glitter Bomb
  • Being told they have no skills
  • Tuna salad

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Serious Trivial
Polite Sassy


Asrin sketchton is your local Sweet Jazz Craft Emporium manager, a sweet gig for someone who adores crafts as much as him.However, being inscribed ruined it for him at a young age. You'd think hed be overjoyed to learn he's inscribed with an Epithet that allows him to create crafted items at the snap of fingers but sadly that was not the case. Asrin's Epithet came as a curse to him, no one believed he ever put any effort into the things he made anymore, they assumed he'd just use his epithet and brush him off and insult him. This caused major blows to his confidence and he started to just keep to himself. he still learned how to develop and strengthen his epithet because he never knew when it might actually be useful but outside of that he started to keep it to himself.

He still loves crafting even if his memories are horribly tainted with negativity, he doesn't let it stop him like it did when he was young now.

Childhood and Upbringing

Asrin did not have a postive childhood, His parents were distant and neglective towards not only him but his other sibling. Asrin often found himself thrown under the bus for his siblings actions and always got the brunt of punishments. he started his crafting as an escape from that, something to do that he loved and no matter what it would bring him joy. His family discouraged him but at school other children were amazed and always asked for him to show them how to make things lke he does. It made him feel like the world maybe wasn't so bad. Unfortunately for him, things went south as soon as he learned about his Epithet. His family criticized him more and blamed his epithet for overcrowding his room with "garbage" and "clutter". The art teachers at school no longer payed him any attention even though they could literally see him work without the epithet. He was undoubtely miserable ever since. He did however had one friend who believed him and stuck to his side, Mina Baker. Mina was always supportive of him and often had her parents let Asrin stay with them to keep him out of his horrid home. Asrin and Mina's biggest thing they had in common was loathing their epithets, poor Mina's epithet is "Bread" she can turn bread into money and money into bread with a single touch. Asrin empathized with her and never for a second cared that Mina had to wear thick gloves at all times because of her power, unlike other kids who were needlessly cruel. Asrin and Mina were the two peas in a pod of the outcasts and their support for each other kept them going.


Things headed for worse once Asrin hit Highschool. At this point his siblings had all graduated but were not doing so hot in life, This lead His parents to put the pressure of being perfect on him which did irreverible damage. Asrin did subar all throughout highschool and graduated by the skin of his teeth at the bottom of the class. Poor kid just couldn't be what his parent's wanted when he couldn't even be what he wanted. It was worse that Mina had gone to a different school, theyr arely saw each other and the haven Mina created for Asrin was no longer in reach. He constantly found himself slipping into bad headspaces. Eventually enough was enough, He started snapping back at his parents when they came at him for mundane reasons. He wasn't going to sit idly by and take the bullshit anymore. This kept progressing until eventually Asrin's parents Disowned him for daring to stand up for himself.

One Night when Asrin was curled up in a dumpster, A cat that was prowling the area and caught sight of him. He looked at the cat and said "oh hi" and then cat responded. "Hey, why are you in a dumpster?" Asrin Shot straight up obviously startled by a cat talking to him but still responded about being disowned and the like. The cat said that his parents were trash and that he deserved better. After talking for a bit the Cat transformed into a Human and she Introduced herself as Mitzi Kaliko, the child of two of the most wealthy businessmen in the world. Asrin had heard of her before but knew nothing of her until now. Mitzi Continued talking to him as they walked out of the alley. Empathizing with the struggle to fit into the standards parents set, She took him in as her own. Asrin then Meets Ramsey, whom Mitzi is married to, who at first is hesitant to let Mitzi Keep Asrin around but, He quickly warms up to the kid when they bond over art. Asrin has been staying with the Murdochs ever since. But soon someone new comes into his life that changes his life forever.

While working at the Craft Emporium, Asrin meets a boy who is absolutely obsessed with knitting, he sometimes stoped to chat Asrin up about the qualities of different polyester and wool yarns or complain about his moms being on his back about things. He ended up becoming a regular at the Craft store which lead asrin to believe he was starting to come in just to see him. Eventually one afternoon the boy finally properally introduced himself as Giovanni Potage, and asked Asrin out to lunch. Asrin spent the whole time panicking wether or not he was on a date until Giovanni asks him to join his Banzai Blasters and then knocks him out with a bat when he says yes. Asrin then comes around in Giovanni's basement surronded by the other Blasters and Gio explains that it was custom to knock recrutiees out before their Initiation heist. The heist ended up being infiltraiting a tv network corperation about bringing back a canceled show but it didn't matter to Asrin because he finally showed the strength of his epithet. His basic ability of summoning Splinter, a mod podge of popsicle sticks and balsa wood that make up a sword that would give you a splinter so bad you'd never get it back out. His secondary of creating glue traps. a once per battle Glitter bomb, good luck getting that out of your EVERYTHING, and Finally the special ability, Worm off the String. Asrin had Fun harassing capitalists with Giovanni and the crew, and Gio definetly seemed to be drawn to him. He ended up getting His Banzai nickname that day and he loathes it, Glitter bomb, the worst name eve. It takes a while of them working together as co conspirators and terrible criminals before they end up dating, But Asrin always holds Gio very close to his heart.



Trivia & Notes

  • First Banzai blaster to make payments on time
  • Considers Mitzi and Ramsey his true parents
  • Giovanni's #1 Yarn supplier
  • Misses Mina
  • Chaoitic Stupid to Gio's chaotic dumbass



Mitzi Kaliko

[ Adoptive Mother Figure ]

Asrin considers her more family then his own and is forever happy a cat talked to him in a dumpster. Mitzi empathized with him and wanted to help him out and she may not show it but definetly is glad she did.


Ramsey Murdoch

[ Adoptive Father Figure ]

Ramsey mentors Asrin in drawing, painting and Forgery, He also gives him tips on screwing over capitalists. Also known to turn the uno cards to gold when he knows hes gonna lose


Giovanni Potage

[ Boyfriend ]

Chaotic dumbass whom Asrin loves dearly. Upgraded Asrin from Minion Boy to Lover Boy. Partner in crime. Wild card who does whatever he wants and doesn't let anything stop him, not even being unprepared.


Mina Baker

[ Childhood Friend ]

Friend that arguably saved Asrin's life during childhood. Bread = Money Money = Bread. Worst powerful epithet ever.

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