Harvey Hellbent



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Hellbent (Mystery Skulls)

Danger Level



Chaotic Neutral







"Hellbent on making you love me too, Even though not what I'm 'sposed to do, I don't give a damn."

Soultune: Spirit possession; the ability to transfer an agitated spirit from the afterlife into an inanimate object to cause enraged chaos. Touching a spirit’s soul makes them spiteful and chaos ready. His ultimate move is gathering angry spirits into one as a giant spiritual body he throws his head onto.

A brooding bastard who has the temper of a bull you’ve prodded too many times in the side. Harvey was always who you’d expect him to be: a guy too much time on his hair and is always down to pummel. But besides that he has a very odd side to him, a keen eye for cute things and nerd for Nintendo games. Anyone who tries to ridicule him will get punched. 

When he was young he enjoyed playing video games and became more of a chunky kid. He was a grade A geek (and who says he isn't to this day) who always dreamed of saving the princess at the end of the game just like Mario... but he was too shy to actually talk to any girls, maybe even scared of turning out like a big ol' loser in front of them. One day he grew the confidence to ask a girl out, but of course he was rejected badly for how he looked and acted. Harvey cried, wanting to be a cool dude but how? He looked at a lot of different websites online to find out "how to be attractive" (sad really--) and went from there. He worked out everyday and picked fights with those who called him nerdy before, gaining a cool delinquent reputation. Finally... he climbed the top to being the underdog story gone good! He decided to ask the girl out again seeing how he was totally awesome now--only to be rejected again, she had a boyfriend. Turns out Harvey became more of a Bowser than Mario in his story...


-He does not possess a neck, his head is just floating above his body

-When he’s angry at someone he’ll be more than happy to yeet his own head at them (he has a thick skull so OW.)

-Works as a carnival mascot.

-Sees spirits and can interact with them.

-REAL bad with love, when he falls he falls hard and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Gets more moody because he waits too long to say anything. 

-Hates flowers.

-His favorite game is Mario Odyssey.