♕ jules.



3 years, 8 months ago


town made wicked, made from these wicked things.
when the devil takes your hand,
let me show you where he roams
jules [no last name]
aka. jasper of the night
128 years | visually 26 years
half-elf dhampir

he / they
pansexual | hypersexual

neutral evil
lvl 3 rogue [thief]

CW blood, death, addiction, sex


Jules is shrouded by mystery as a person. He only goes by Jules, so people assume that's his name. Nobody knows it. Not even him. He comes from a small clan of thieves that is located just outside of a bigger city. The clan is known as a thieves guild of sorts. The people have named them “Night terrors” but they do not call themselves that. It consists of roughly 20 thieves and their families and children. They are known for their mysteriousness. They wear all black cloaks with masks of their choice while out. While not out, they look like regular people. It Mainly happens at night, They come into hondeim and by morning people are missing things. Even if their doors are locked. Even items on persons. They've been known to take anything possible, the clan uses anything they can as resources. Nobody can catch the thieves because no one knows where they are exactly located. Only the members, who are sworn to secrecy once they enter age. Not just anyone may enter the clan either, the clan consists purely of dhampir, and half dhampir, both equal to each other. They also use no last names. If anyones caught stealing twice (while living in the clan!!) they can never return. That's the rule. If you try to come back they will kill you. They give you one chance only. That doesn't sound too bad for professional thieves but just try to remember how long they live. They have to have a pretty good streak. This clan is also not a cult. People of the clan may leave and come as they go. They must report to their boss of course, but if they aren't living in the clan currently, you do not have to work. Everybody in the clan not only has 1 name but they also have their “thief” names. The clan is extra protective.

Jules was brought into the clan by his mother who was dhampir. She had already been a part of the clan when she had him. Unfortunately His mother had fallen in love with an elf.. Natalia had met Alwin Laenmar, a knight. Knights usually are tough, and exploit women, but Alwin was a sophisticated elf who seeked to protect his city. He loved to read on the side. One night he woke up to a woman in his dark room. Natalia was stealing some food. Not gold, not precious items. It was her job to find food. He felt pity for this being and would watch her come for the next few weeks until one day he finally caught her and trapped her. They talked. At first it was hard but Natalia realized she wasn't in harm's way, when he let her go after feeding her, reading to her, and one thing led to another that night.. She would return often just to talk to him and they formed a bond. Many weeks have passed when she finally told a “friend “of the clan and word had gotten out that she was romantic with anyone not from there. Not only that she has sex but she would return to the same man oevr and over and had fallen in love. Being in the clan does not mean you can't talk to non-dhampir. It only means you cannot have relationships with them. They cannot show love for anyone else. Casual affection is allowed, such as prostitutes and one night stands. The reason for this is so nobody gets tempted to bring in any non-dhampir to the clan! It's absolutely not allowed. They ruled that she would be burnt after her child had arrived. There was secrecy that needed to be kept in the clan that made them rule this, they aren't as savage as they sound. Most Dhampir follow these rules like its everyday life, but Natalia was just too interested in the people who weren't her species.

Jules was kept and given to one of the clans gold thieves. She was a mother-like figure to him. He even called her mother. He doesn't even know who his mother was, he does know he is an orphan. But to Jules, he's not too interested in finding out. He knows there is a reason the clan doesn't talk about it. He knows that the clan does this to rule breakers, so he assumes that's what she did. He was very happy with his childhood anyways. At 16 he got sworn into the clan and got a job as a metal/ gold thief. He simply stole gold and metal for cosmetic and useful purposes. Jules loves stealing , he knows it's bad but he really doesn't care. In his eyes, if it doesn't affect him, then it's fine. His whole clan steals mostly because they are scavengers, but very very good at what they do. He steals because he wants the stuff. He also gets to keep whatever he wants, so it's fine. Even though Jules was taught growing up how to mostly steal at night, he can do day as well since he's a half dhampir. He wants to learn as well. He's intelligent and knows languages, and is good with people. He may not talk about where he's from, it makes him seem uncomfortable. This is just his very clever way of avoiding talking about it. On the side Jules picked up working as a trained thief for anyone hiring. He moved out of the clan and stayed in the city for a while to learn people. He still returns to his clan to visit and work jobs if he needs to. He is not as careful about people's feelings, and would kill someone if he felt like he needed to. This being said he's usually not a super violent person, he'd rather just steal you clean. He's also a PROUD Dhampir and has explored his elven side and ancestry as well. He knows his mother was a Dhampir but nothing about his father as well other than he was an elf. He's not racist, and does hate how people shun his kind.

  • the adrenaline rush of stealing
  • flirting and sex
  • loyalty [mostly to himself tbh]
  • racism and discrimination
  • unnecessary murder
  • negative comments about his looks
Strength [ 30% ]
Dexterity [ 80% ]
Constitution [ 70% ]
Intelligence [ 60% ]
Wisdom [ 20% ]
Charisma [ 80% ]

  • Has been addicted to godly blood for quite a while & went through cold turkey. Is now sober, but sometimes misses the feeling.
  • If possible, only drinks blood that was freely offered to him & mostly combines it with sexual actions.
  • Enjoys fancy red wine, pure or infused with a bit of blood.
  • Neque viverra justo nec ultrices dui sapien eget. Auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet.
design by nekkotine3479
Design Notes

  • hair #c9cccf eyes #b80609 jewelry #e3b46f make-up #b0271f
  • approximately 6'1 [1.85m] in height, slender figure
  • androgynous facial features, full lips, narrow eyes, pointy elf ears
  • golden piercing jewelry with chains on right ear, 2 earrings on top of left ear
  • triangle-shaped red eyeliner on eyelids to the brows, red line of eyeliner below the eye
  • vampiric fangs on upper teeth row

NAME relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

NAME relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet. Dictum non consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna. Lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in. Enim tortor at auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo. At consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie.

NAME relation

Quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis.