Amaury Lachapelle Sauveterre (Gratitude Bluffs)



3 years, 8 months ago


Amaury Sauveterre

  • Age
    43 years
  • DoB
    Dec 11th
  • Height
    5'10" / 177.8 cm
  • Fav Food
    Custard Bread

clipped - flighty - paranoid - reserved

Curt, self-conscious, with low social confidence, Amaury is a flighty man who hides behind manners and work in an attempt to prevent embarrassment. He's bothered by a lingering social paranoia, hindered by assuming the worst in regards to others' opinions. Distracted in this way, he can come off as spacey or wishy-washy.

Still, polite shouldn't be conflated with nice- he's not generous, not sympathetic, and not bubbly. He tends to be drawn towards blunt or even crude people because it doesn't feel like they're trying to trick him-- he appreciates straightforwardness. He also admires others who disregard social niceties, because he translates it to self confidence and independence.

Amaury is impatient with people who are fidgety around doctors. He doesn't take extra steps to emotionally comfort others-- if his main job is done, it's good enough.


  • Antiseptic smell
  • Cold Weather
  • Clear skies


  • Clammy hands
  • Indecision
  • Loud, Sudden Sounds

tes souhaits pourraient bien se réaliser

Amaury spent his youth between Maine in America and Provence in France, the homes of both his parents. He'd always been a flighty and anxious person, but his life had been planned by his parents-- general studies, drafting, military-paid medical school, marriage, child... divorce.

His wife had come to terms with her identity as a lesbian, and she remarried their mutual childhood friend. All three of them lived in a shared house in Gratitude Bluffs with their son, Ruben. Amaury was a little adrift for a short time, but he did love Cora, Lydie, and Ruben as his family. He stuck around until Ruben went off to college, then moved out into his own flat down the street.

Though he'd left their residence, he still supported his family-- he just wanted space to find himself, especially as the absence of his son left him feeling aimless and he already felt somewhat distant from his family from spending so much time away from them while in the military.

He finds it ironic that his family was taken from him the moment he left them, by the undead of all things.

+1 AP, +4 Stealth