


3 years, 8 months ago



Name Oriana Amaryllis
Alias Ana (ahh-nuh)
Gender Non-binary (they/she/he)
D.O.B / Age 9/14/20 (created) (Doesn't age/Foal)
S.O. N/A
Status N/A
Race/Species Aurora Biotas
Height About 9 hands (~3'0 at the withers)
Voice ---
Theme(s) x x x

♪ Lose my breath alone with you. I see shadows of you. Don't know why but I think I'm falling into shadows with you; I see darkness in you.

Oriana Amaryllis (New Dawn) Reference
Ana is a rather quiet and withdrawn grulla foal. They are mature beyond their years, and have already began harboring some resentment towards the world around them. They are not yet, however, completely embittered. They are extremely close with their adopted mother Siofra, and most days it's just them against the world. It's good that they're close too, as Ana's flora is particularly toxic, and are also very strong hallucinogens. Just being in their presence for too long can sometimes be symptomatic and even deadly for mortal creatures.



Aurora Biotas is a closed "prezombified" horse/deer hybrid species created by RyukoSnow. All creatures in the species have embedded glowing gemstones in their bodies and a plethora of deadly flora growing on them and slowly comsuming them. They are unaware of the fact that they are slowly loosing control of their bodies and live peaceful lives for the most part. All member of the species have cloven hooves and antlers, even the females. Most commons of the species have a normal horse tail and do not have the fungus cordyceps growing on them. Rares of this species will have a deer tail and the cordyceps fungus on them.

Ana is a common forest variant

Flora / Gem List

Wavy cap (Psychedelic)
Shaggy ink cap (Weak hallucinogenic)
Death cap (Highly poisonous)
Podoserpula miranda (Non toxic?)
Angel's trumpet (Deadly hallucinogenic)
Nerium oleander (Highly toxic)
Round leaved sundew (Carnivorous)


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Siofra Adopted mother

While there are others Ana has formed a bond with, Siofra is the only other horse they feel truly safe with, and trust wholeheartedly. They have a very close bond.


Baxter Acquaintance

A friend of their mother's who often comes to visit. Another aurora biotas!


Andvari Acquaintance

Another aurora bioatas acquaintance of their mother. He shares their territory as an added precaution, but doesn't interact much. He sort of does his own thing, but their little makeshift "herd" looks out for each other.


Divinity Friend

Divinity is gentle and softspoken, and ever since she arrived, Siofra's health seems to have improved. The two mares are very close, and while Ana is always wary of newcomers, they can't help but like Divinity too.

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