


3 years, 8 months ago



Name Andvari (ahn-DWAH-ree)
Alias Dvari ("dwari")
Gender Male
D.O.B / Age 10/4/20 (Created) (Doesn't age/Mature)
S.O. Bisexual (pref for females)
Status Widowed
Race/Species Aurora Biotas / Fjord Horse
Height 13.2 hands (roughly 4'6 at the withers)
Voice ---
Theme(s) x x

♪ All you've got and all you'll ever need - is one bullet in the chamber. Breathe easy, take your aim, boy. Ain't nobody gonna save you

| Andvari (ahn-dwah-ree) - "Name of a mythical treasure guardian" (Norwegian) | Reference |
Andvari was essentially a nomad, travelling alone with his mate instead of living the regular herd life. But unfortunately, as life and nature became crueler and even less predictable, they had a run-in with one of the rarer subspecies of aurora biotas: a mare, whose transformation had rendered her carnivorous. While some horses can come to terms with this change over time, the sudden bloodlust had clearly broken the mare and left her manic and unstable. Despite Andvari's best efforts, his mate inevitably fell to the monster's fangs. Hunger now sated, the biotas chased off Andvari. Already grief-stricken, he realized later that while trying to save the life of his mare, he'd been bitten by the biotas. This realization chilled him, in ways he would never quite shake until the day he'd join his love in the grave. He had become the monster that shattered his world.



Aurora Biotas is a closed "prezombified" horse/deer hybrid species created by RyukoSnow. All creatures in the species have embedded glowing gemstones in their bodies and a plethora of deadly flora growing on them and slowly comsuming them. They are unaware of the fact that they are slowly loosing control of their bodies and live peaceful lives for the most part. All member of the species have cloven hooves and antlers, even the females. Most commons of the species have a normal horse tail and do not have the fungus cordyceps growing on them. Rares of this species will have a deer tail and the cordyceps fungus on them.

Andvari is a common arctic variant.

Flora / Gem List

Anemone Flowers
Pasque Flowers
Galerina Paludosa
Apricot Jelly Fungus
Scarlet Elf Cup Mushroom
Blue Agate / Shards


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Siofra Acquaintance

Another Aurora Biotas like himself, though a bit taller and gloomier. While they don't know each other well and hardly speak, they choose to dwell in a shared territory for extra protection and peace of mind.


Oriana Amaryllis ("Ana") Acquaintance

A strange young foal that always sticks close to Siofra's side.


Baxter Acquaintance

Another aurora biotas stallion! Comes by to catch up with Siofra on occassion.


Divinity Acquaintance

Divinity showed up around the same time the other aurora biotas mare disappeared. Andvari doesn't know all the details of what happened, but he can tell Divinity and Siofra have become close.


Junia Mate (Deceased)

Andvari's past love and travelling companion, who was killed and consumed by the same creature that caused Andvari to Change.

HTML by Eggy