


7 years, 3 months ago


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Name || Sabrina Collins
Alias || Sabrina
Age || 16
Birthday || Unknown
Gender || Female
Orientation || Heterosexual
Height ||5'6" (without heels) 5'7" or 5'8" (with heels)
Weight || 135lb
Species || Human
Occupation ||Highschool student and cheerleader
Status || Alive
Theme ||
Likes || Gum, sweets, sports, make-up
Dislikes || Unknown
Fears || Unknown



Longish black hair with brown eyes and fair skin. She has a piercing on her right eyebrows and is always seen either with bubble gum or a lollipop in her mouth.


Sabrina, like her twin brother, is pretty flirty, goofy, and abit of a jokster. But due to her resting bitch face, she can appear unapperochable. This is short lived due to how much of a dork she is; epsecially when around her brother.


Her mother is obsessed with making her and her twin brother, Spencer, match. She's been dressing them the same, Cutting their hair the same, and keeping them as identical as the day they were born. She was rather upset when Sabrina finally grew breasts, and even more so when Sabrina dyed her hair Black. After a long winded argument on the matter, Sabrina told their mother she would Dye Spencer's hair black as well. She didn't. She dyed it pink, which infuriated both Spencer and their mother, but after a day of living with the pink, it grew on him. So he kept it and contines to keep it. Spencer keeps a set of spare cloths for her and himself in his locker actually, he's been doing it since the 4th grade. Their mother's obsession is so bad that when one of them needed to change, she would bring cloths for them both and make the both of them change. Due to all of this, Sabrina and their mother's relationship is bad and strained, leading Sabrina to always be rebelious and bitter towards her.


Twin Brother - Spencer Collins, Younger sister - Jade Collins Parents - Mr. and Mrs. Collins

Important Moments

  • She's been rebelious her whole life but it really started to show after she hit puberty and grew breasts.


  • Punk cheerleader
  • Has a hot jock boyfriend
  • Seductive without trying to be

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