Syric Carys Sirlay



3 years, 8 months ago


In the vague canon I have for my fursonas, Syria, Syric, and Syro are sort of linked characters, but still their own people. Like, they are very closely bonded and know that they are all different sides to the same person, basically.

The ball in Syric's ref is rubber, on an elastic string. He fiddles with it in moments of boredom, using it similarly to a yo-yo.

Name: Syric Carys Sirlay

Age: ??

Sex/Gender: Agender [No Genitalia] [He/Him]

Sexual Orientation: Aromantic Asexual

Birthdate: April 20th, ????

Occupation: Just kind of hangs out with Syria and does whatever he feels like.

Talents/Skills/Powers: Technically has god-like powers, but he rarely uses them outside of little things or Syria or Syro asking him to do something.

Height: 5' 3”

Weight: 120 lbs

Build: A little skinnier than average

Clothing: Just pants. Has a general distaste for wearing shirts, but he'll wear them under special circumstances.

Personality: Comes off as apathetic, but he cares deeply for those close to him. He's extremely chill most of the time, but he'll get really serious if those he cares about are threatened.

Romance Preferences: Doesn't engage in any form of romance himself. Syria tends to poke fun at him about it. He only feels platonic love for people.