


3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Shadowwalker

Gender: Trans guy

Age (in years, 1-7 for dragonets): 54

Sexuality: Ace, homo

Tribe: Nightwing

Occupation, if any: Assasin

History: Sadowwalker is far from a normal nightwing. He hatched, alone, in the jungle. His mother had dropped him after fleeing from the law. Shadowwalker survived by himself in the rainforest for a few years, until an unfortunate incident with lightning left him a smoldering dragonet on the forest floor. A nightwing had found him while he was unconscious, and took him back to the valvano. The dragonet grew, trained, and became quite the figure to the general public he lived around. Shadowwalker, the dragon made of darkness. Shadowwalker, the killer. He's not exactly popular, but he's fine with it. A lot of rumors go around about him, most completely inaccurate.

Personality: Shadowwalker comes off very mysterious and threatening. A dragon, literally, built to kill. Under many layers, he does have a small shriveled thing that at least resembles a heart. He's blocked out his emotions for his entire life, only focusing on whatever task he has. The only time Shadowalker had for himself was when he was an orphan, while he recovered, and once for a very long time. Nobody knows where he went during then, but he showed back up. They were a little bummed.

Additional Information:

-Shadowwalker is a mindreader. He didn't hatch under full moonlight, or even a full moon, so his powers are dulled by a great deal. While he can't hear normal thoughts, such as "I can't eat another sloth, it's gonna kill me.", he can hear thoughts directed at others. "Thanks! You nearly killed us all!" is an example.

-He got the scars on his throat by being hit by lightning. While people think he dosen't talk because it's a character trait, it's actually because it is both hard and painful for him to do so. If he were to do so, it'd be very raspy.

[9:42 PM]

-Shadowwalker has this uncanny ability to potray what he would say. You can just.. tell what he'd be speaking. It's something very unsettling about him.

Description/Image: Shadowwalker is two things. Unnaturally large and unnaturally dark. Towering over dragons his age, he blends so seamlessly into darkness he's hard to spot on the island. His biggest giveaway are his scars, and haunting crimson eyes. The best way to describe how Shadowwalker looks in light is "a vortex in the light. a spot of perfect  blackness. A void." Nobody knows how he got the scars around his neck. Some say Fire, some say frost, others say rocks. Nobody dares to ask.

A unnaturally huge and dark nightwing with scars across his neck.