


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


19 (in appearance, is immortal)


helter-skelter, venomous, literally and figuratively bloodthirsty.


Prince [3rd in Line]


World: Ahkrin
Era: Fantisa
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Age: 19 (Immortal)
Occupation: Royal
Species: Human/Lafesta

The youngest of a trio of princes, most spoiled by his mother and most teased by his older brothers. He thrived in a setting in which he wasn't required to have much ambition, as his eldest brother would take the throne and the middle brother was the strong one. He was able to live a life of peace and easy times. Having never been very fond of the hunt he initially tried to avoid going on his coming of age hunt with them but was told there was no choice. They were on a several day hunt for him to kill a Lafesta [Man-Eating Unicorn- see ] when they found a rather small one. Everyone thought it would be easy for the young prince to handle after the rest had weakened it but they had misinterpreted and the prince was bitten on the upper arm. The Beast form only arises for the young prince on the passing of Eldont's Comet, which is a comet that passes by every week. It is also the same comet depicted on the sash holding the princes cape up. Its a heavenly symbol that represents his house. The bite slowly drives the bitten mad but the effects can be pushed back via the drink or inhalation of magical blood. Many pureblood Nobles have magic in their veins even if they cannot manifest it, and its especially strong in young woman. To appease the hunger the young prince challanges Nobles to duels to the death and if he wins he gets their blood. If the Prince loses a limb in a fight it will regenerate after the next passing of Eldont's comet.