Maxwell Edison



3 years, 8 months ago


Yes, he is based on the Beatles song.

Real Name: Maxwell Edison

Alias: Silver Hammer

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Who knows? He doesn't have much interest in relationships, though he once dated a girl briefly before killing her.

Species/Race: Human imbued with Alien Powers

Hair: Dark Brown

Skin tone: Slightly Tanned Caucasian

Eyes: Brown

Body type: Fairly athletic, but not very muscular

Current Residence: A small apartment in the middle of the city. He doesn’t keep much here, instead hoarding his belongings and spoils at a separate location. 

Alliance: None. He just does whatever he feels like.

Significant People/Relationships: Again, none. He doesn't create many long-lasting relationships.

Personality: Very volatile and unhinged. He does whatever suits him, regardless of others, and will kill indiscriminately. Even outside of his villainous persona, he is often rude and snarky.

Powers/abilities: Super strength; extreme endurance; wields a hammer made of an alien metal, he can change its density at will, and call it to him.

Weakness/setbacks: Extremely unhinged, he'll often charge into situations with little thought. If his hammer is further than a few dozen feet from him for longer than a few hours, his powers start to wane, eventually disappearing completely until he can get a hold of his hammer once more.