


3 years, 9 months ago


- He/him

Ryujin was the god of fortune in battle, and in such a battle-driven country, his role was significant. But he realised as time progressed, battles became less frequent as humans started to develop and grow past the need to fight so much.
Because of this Ryujin worried his status as an major deity would change, and his already boastful nature didn't help his case. His strive to gain more power was found out by Shuafi, who disappointed in its closest friend, and exposed him to the rest of the gods. Fed up with his greed, they cast him onto earth, where maybe he would learn some respect. They wanted him to realise that battle was still an important part of human society, and that he wouldn't become defunct for a long time. However he could not see this through his growing anger, and he sought out the worst of responses: revenge. 

What he wanted would be impossible to obtain, and the power to kill a god, ironic enough, was the only thing a god could not get.
Although he was now mortal, his ex-god status prohibited him. He needed someone mortal that he could manipulate; someone human. He met Hideyo, someone with a similar hatred for the gods. Ryujin saw this potential and turned it into something he could use, turning Hideyo's hatred into a burning fury. It has turned out better than Ryujin expected, and all he had to do now was just sit back and watch, all while Hideyo achieved what Ryujin could not.