yuka chiffon



3 years, 8 months ago


Yuka Chiffon ★ 

RDM/SCH ⋆ F.C. Leader ⋆ Traveler
JP VA - Rie Tanaka (Mitsuru Kirijo P3)| NA VA - Lisa Hannigan (Blue Diamond SU) Examples - voice montage | short clip 1 | short clip 2  

A link back to Amir Damasica || A link back to her carrd 

For screenshots go here

there are major spoilers here! this chara bio is assuming youre 101% caught up and know enough about the game to engage with this character!


Preliminary - personality ★

Yuka is a rather awkward twenty-seven year old mercenary who finds herself in trouble quite often. Although incredibly skillful and wise, Yuka has proven herself time and time again to be rather naïve. She has managed to keep away from the Scions, among other "Eorzean politics" through sheer naivety. Despite her low profile stature, Yuka has somehow managed to keep many eyes on her due to her awakened echo. She finds Garleans, the Scions, Ascians, and other Warrior of Light affairs rather "fictitious" if not out right grandeur -- despite having first hand experience in aiding in combat. Often eyerolling at any strange recants she hears from word of mouth. Yuka is quite the pompous woman. Taking herself, and her job, rather serious. The strange distaste she has for men can often be seen through her actions, taking any opportunity to prove herself to be better than any man. Her strange misandry, however, stops right at the doors of her free company. Welcoming in and happily accepting all walks of life with a big, yet very awkward, smile. The only time anyone has ever caught a glimpse of her smile is to her employees, and her employees only.

Small Facts ★

Age: 27 (ARR) (her age changes, wol canon dependent!)
Height: 5'7" / 173 CM
Weight: "Never ask a woman her weight."
Alignment: Lawful Evil - "I would do anything for the WoL"
Title: Shield of Light
TL;DR mean highlander from limsa who would do anything for the WOL, owns a free company and travels around with her cool elezen "pal".

TLDR/RP hooks are at the bottom BTW!!

pre-ARR/ARR - ★

Yuka Chiffon, born 24th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon in Limsa Lominsa, was a young Highlander born to two Highlander parents of Tural. Born to a pirate father, and a hard working culinarian mother. Yuka's father traveled the seas often, leaving her mother to care for her mostly alone. Growing tired of raising a child on their own, Yuka's mother sent her off to the School for Gifted Girls in Magic -- an all girls boarding school focused on magic. From there, Yuka studied hard under the supervision of her superiors with zero contact from anyone.

Under harsh supervision, Yuka adopted a rather harsh personality through the influences of her superiors -- something that carried into her current everyday life. Finding no immediate need for peers she isolated herself to study rigorously, Yuka became a rather gifted and profound 'scholar', with her focus landing her straight in specializing in aether manipulation and healing. Post graduation, she began wandering all of Eorzea in order to compensate for her lack of life experience. Yearning for adventure, she devoted the rest of her time to exploring parts of the land she had not yet seen.

HW - ★

Traveling around Eorzea eventually landed the curious scholar in the land of Ishgard. Searching high and low, lurking and combing through every nook and cranny, Yuka landed herself at the footsteps of the Machinist Guild. Yuka, naturally inquisitive, rummaged the guild to sedate her curiosity and landed herself in a rather unfortunate position. Here is where her rather long and arduous journey begins, now acquainted with a rather peculiar Elezen man. Despite their initial combative meeting, the two became strangely intertwined. After a series of her snooping by and meeting the Elezen late at night, post hours of course.

Unhappy with her current position, and unhappy having no mercenary work, Yuka began desperately taking any jobs left and right. She spent no time picking up any jobs she could. Through connections and networking, she eventually found herself face to face with the Warrior of Light, someone who she had only known in passing. Boldly, she asks the Warrior of Light to join them as a part of their entourage. Succeeding in convincing them, Yuka takes on the job as the bodyguard to the Warrior of Light, traveling with them through literal trials and tribulations. She followed her very first friend ever around like a pet, although much of Ishgardian -- and Eorzean -- politics went over her head.

Through highs and lows, Yuka proves herself to being a valuable member to the Warrior of Light's entourage, as well as a potentially valuable Scion member. Yuka provides her 'services' as a full time healer, a field combat doctor as well as the personal triage nurse to the Warrior of Light. With no hesitations, Yuka never left the WoL's side. As she helped save Ishgard, both from two main adversaries, the WoL asks Yuka to open up a free company for mercenaries to provide further backup and help. Yuka extends her hand to the Elezen who had stuck with the Scions thus far to help her kickstart the free company. Now Yuka, her new 'business partner' Amir, and the WoL begin traveling together as an inseparable trio.

HW cont. - summary

Yuka does not immediately start caring for the WOL. Her original intention with the WOL is to get a job and get paid doing a job. It isn't until those around the WOL start sacrificing themselves for the WOL that she realized they are kind of a big deal.

Yuka's role alongside the WOL is field medic. She goes to dungeons, heals, and calls it a day.

Post Thordan, Yuka begins feeling sympathetic towards the WOL and starts picking up slack. Post Nidhogg she really realizes this person is worth protecting.

Yuka follows the WOL to the Rising Stones and becomes their chaperone for the rest of the game.

For most of HW, Yuka is nothing but cold and brash towards the WOL and the Scions. She avoids the Scions at all cost and refuses to join them at all. 

WOL/Scions find out in Ravanah that Yuka does in fact have the echo and she's nothing but prickly about it.

The F.C. the WOL has Yuka create happens a bit after Nidhogg. Most of her recruits are all random mercenaries who she found traveling doing errands and doing her own mercenary work.

Yuka absolutely raids btw. She goes with the WOL to do Alexander and she has fun!

Oh, also, Yuka gets a crush on Estinien and helps heal him. Just sayin lol

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SB - ★

Both Yuka and Amir worked day and night as they took on arduous mercenary work. Alongside running the FC, they travel alongside the WoL aiding them in strange adventures all the way to Rhalgr's Reach. Narrowly escaping the massacre, they would eventually land themselves in Kugane. Traveling in a new part of the world, the trio try to familiarize themselves with a brand new culture. Generously, the WoL gifts Yuka a very special gift. Dust settles, and both Yuka and Amir split their missions, Yuka now closely aiding the WoL, with Amir helping Iron Works.

Though, with any strict business relations comes with a few dangers. The ill-fated duo took on rather laborious tasks, Yuka a bit more than Amir, aiding strange fights against various primals, with the additional help of her echo. Yuka traveled the lands and seas, recruiting as many people as they could to help aid the WoL as well. Its here where her fixation to protecting the WoL started and never left. Yuka watched them sleep, watched them eat, watched them cry -- everything in between. She did this to guarantee the WoL would never be hurt. Her protection went as far as following the WoL to the 'last' battle between Zenos and them, in which she fell straight from the havens after falling off the platform in the sky.

Hard work finally paid off as both Yuka and Amir helped Scions, and WoL, liberate Ala Mhigo. Though, work didn't stop there, as further Garlean adversaries proved to be further difficulty. No task was that difficult for Yuka, so long as she was able to help the WoL though. Yuka helped both the Scions and the WoL to a slight victory in Ghimlyt Dark, in which a mysterious 'sickness' took over her -- much like the rest of the Scions. Battle was cut short, as Yuka succumbed right in Amir's arms.

SB contd

Yuka starts her immediate character change as soon as they land in Kugane.

Yuka stops sleeping, stops eating, and begins watching the WOL sleep. She stays by their side and begins making adjustments to best suit what she thinks the WOL needs. 

While Amir is off handling most of the Omega questline, Yuka is helping the WOL with most of the Ala Mhigan liberation.

She gets her hat here from the WOL as a gift.

Yuka falls off the stage during the Seiryu fight, and gets caught by Amir.

Yuka KOs in Ghimlyt Dark alongside Alisaie.



SHB - ★

In a mysterious and unrecognizable land, Yuka remains in the Crystarium until the WoL's appearance. From here on out, Yuka remained by the WoL's side without any room for question. Now the two journeyed around this dream-like landscape, looking for any Scions that had landed themselves in similar circumstances. Rather providing aid as a combat doctor, Yuka provides aid for the WoL as a 'RDM'. Yuka learns tactical methods, as well as different aether skills, from the First, to help with combat. As the Scions finally gather up and reconnect, a vocal and unusual adversary begins to make Yuka question her methods of protecting the WoL. Perhaps risking everything was worth it to protect the ones she loved.

After staying there for what seemed like a year, and beating that strangely prolific figure, Yuka and the Scions managed to escape this strange dream land. Amir, being ecstatic of Yuka's return, took her to what he had been doing while she was "away", aiding the WoL in their proper shard. The two found themselves aiding the WoL in Werlyt, fighting the remainder of whatever strange machines Yuka had missed out on during her slumber

SHB contd

Yuka wakes up alone in the first. Finds her way to the Crystarium. Stays there until she meets up with the WOL.

Her field medic skills really shine here, but also her combat skills since she had to fend for herself for a bit without the WOL.

Most SHB details are WOL dependent, as she's mostly in the background making sure the WOL isn't going to die.

Yuka grows weaker the more she spends time in the first just like everyone else.

She gets a face scar during Werlyt which utterly destroys her self worth, as she's obsessed with beauty.

When she comes back to the source, she and Amir join the Scions the same time Estinien joins (a bit of help from he and a bit of a push from Kryile and Tataru)


EW - ★ (totally unfinished lol)

A new venture to Sharlayan is proposed for the Scions. With no hesitation, nor time to recoup from the First, Yuka prepares and packs to travel with the WoL, Scions, and her 'business partner' Amir. The trio truly become inseparable, doing all duties together with no break in between. At a point of time, Yuka acts as an intermediary for Hydaelyn, acting as a conduit between the two. Continuing their journey, the trio fought several adversaries and further difficult battles. No battle would ever stop Yuka from protecting the WoL though, with true words of devotion coming directly from her little heart. Even after losing her left eye to blasphamies, she still managed to make it about the WoL and apologize profusely for a bad performance. Nothing stopped her from following her duty.

In Elpis, the WoL meets two familiar faces, one of which follows them around like a lost puppy. Eventually WoL makes it back to the source and embarks on a journey to Ultima Thule. Both Yuka and Amir sacrifice themselves for the WoL.

Yuka sticks to Sharlayan to further her education until Tural.

EW contd

Yuka loses her left eye, while Amir loses his right arm

WoL gets to meet two familiar faces in Elpis, both of who do Pandaemonium with the WoL

Yuka and Amir both sacrifice themselves for the WoL in Ultima Thule

Post patch content is boring for her. She just stays and studies in Sharlayan until Dawntrail (like, a semester or two)


heres the poor bastard woman throughout the expacs please enjoy


Character Relations - ★

Amir Damasica - "Always and forever, with love, etc." The copious amount of love and care Yuka has for her Elezen partner is immeasurable. Both Yuka and Amir do just about everything together. Amir often serves as a middle man to Yuka's shenanigans, as the rather clueless Yuka gets herself into rather dubious situations almost constantly.

The Warrior of Light -"I will continue to fight for you, until my last breath." As loyal as ever, Yuka remains devoted to protecting and serving the WoL until it is the last thing she can do. Rather passionate about her work, Yuka stays strong by their side in order to help them with whatever they need -- so long as the Scions stay out of it.

Pazienza -"My greatest work. All my time and devotion is best displayed here."Yuka's free company, located right near the shores of Limsa Lominsa. Yuka has managed to hire a few unlikely workersAlthough she is nasty and cruel to everyone else, the free company sees a rather softer side of Yuka. There is nothing she wouldn't do for them.

Canon Character Relations - ★

The Scions - "I've done my best avoiding them, though, it seems inevitable that they would need my aid..."For quite some time, Yuka has desperately avoided the Scions, as she had little interest in the political side of Eorzea. The Scions were made aware of her echo and her powers, chasing after her for many moons in hopes to use her as an asset. Of course, this did not favor well with Yuka. For the majority of her time under the WoL, she only spoke to them if she had to. It wasn't until rather later down her journey that she developed a rather soft spot for the strange group. Now? She is a recognized member of the Scions.

Garleans - "Rude, uncouth, and tiresome. Though, their coin is worth quite a lot."Yuka doesn't particularly care for them, or care for their politics. Yuka only cares for money and business opportunities that they offer through Kugane trading.

Ascians -"What? I'm not quite sure what that is..."Yuka really has no idea who these group of people are. Really.

★ ☆ ★

tl;dr yuka facts:

☆ mean, pompous, typical ojou-sama
☆ only has patience for her FC, or amir or the WOL
has misaligned teeth, rarely smiles because of this
☆ grew up in limsa lominsa
☆ went to magical girl boarding school at a young age
☆ vehement germaphobe, often wears conservative amounts of clothing to combat this
☆ does not take her gloves off due to germaphobia (her hands are also (warning two images of burned hands) severely burned due to her practice in magic)
☆ does, in fact, have echo! purposefully avoids interactions with the scions in order to not be bothered by them
☆ can in fact drain/manip aether, and is SLIGHTLY fire aspected (not enough to be tempered ofc) (her heals do feel a lil burn-y)
☆ tries desperately to be naive about any political affiliations (scions/garleans/ascians)
☆ does do the "OHOHOHO!" laugh
☆ is very very very self sacrificing for the WOL 

totally depending on the wol, yuka adjusts personality traits around them! sad wols get a cheerleader yuka, angry wols get an equally brooding yuka. she adjusts just to make the wol comfortable!

RP hooks

yuka isn't the biggest fan of small talk normally (she's hyper skeptical, in order to protect the wol) however if you catch her at a cafe/restaurant/club/etc... chances are her natural inquisition will draw her to your character!
if you have a job for either yuka, or amir, that is most likely the best way to get either of the two to open up and chatter even more. (no real gil transaction needed!)
if you'd like to approach yuka on anything, she'll most likely be a bit pensive though will slowly acclimate to being a bit more welcoming!
if your character IS in fact the warrior or light, or a warrior of light, yuka will absolutely jump to being overly familiar, as she is written around the idea of a warrior of light! its something that has to be discussed a little before hand, however
basically, lets just have fun! she's sassy, but anything'll work!

